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Izzy grabs Clary's bag as we run outside to catch up with Jace.

He's holding one of Clary's drawings trying to track her, but failing-

"Damnit. It's just not showing up" he says turning to me, "we need to parabatai track"
He says enveloping my hand in his as we try to track their location

"Alec concentrate" Jace growls at me

"ALEC" he says after we try once more

"I'm doing it. It's just not showing up"

"Just like I thought, they weren't arrested"Izzy says coming over

"It was your job to look after her" Jace says pushing me back

" I did my best Jace"

"Well then maybe your mother was right and your best just isn't enough-"

"Jace!" Izzy shouts

"Are you so blind about your feeling for clary that you've lost sight of us? If you hadn't noticed, they took someone I love too. Clary snuck out. Lily and I went after her, to protect her, I did nothing you haven't done a thousand times before. And look where that got lily-"

"Yes you did Alec, you lost her-"

"Enough, both of you!"Izzy shouts

"Okay whoever took them must be holding them over a body of water, that's why we can't track them" Jace says right before a phone rings in clary's bag

"Hello?" Jace asks

"I thought I'd never utter these words but thank god it's you, it's-it's me Simon"

"Where are you? Where's lily? Where's clary?" Jace asks

"I don't know. Some Chinese resteraunt I- I think. This uh cop Alaric arrested us but it was a total fake out he didn't even- they took us to a hangout and then they told Clary that they'll Kill me and Lily if she didn't give them the cup-"

"What? Is lily okay?" I ask

"I wouldn't say okay, but she's alive. She's bleeding out and quickly. She keeps going unconscious and she's been stabbed, beaten and slashed by- uh- claws?"

I gasp hear Simon talk about the girl I love like that, picturing her in that state made tears pool in my eyes as Izzy ran her hand over my arm trying to comfort me.

"Damnit. Just calm down. Simon look around? What do you see? Where are you?" Jace quickly questions him

"Okay uh. We're definitely on a pier there's a tonne of water Uh- I see lockers and scratch marks-"


"It's possible" Izzy says

"Okay Simon you need to get more specific tell us what you see"

"There's nothing else Ja- wait hold on we're at the Jade Wolf Chinese restaurant on the pier at Greene Street" Simon says as Jace hands the phone to me, googling the location

"You guys need to hurry, lily doesn't look like she can go on for much longer-"

"You need to create a distraction, stall them"I say

"How? All I have are clothes and a lighter"

"Start a fire Simon"

"That never works! Have you ever seen an action movie"

"We're on our way" Jace says before telling me to end the call

"Alec she's gonna be okay" Izzy says

His Angel | Alec LightwoodWhere stories live. Discover now