Wisteria and Nichirin

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The sound of the branches swaying, hitting up against each other and falling to the ground masked any noise of other movement. Your knuckles were white as you gripped onto the end of your blade. The trees began to thicken, making it harder for you to see in front of you. "Come on." You whispered to yourself as you slowed down and began swiveling on your feet.

The darkness made it hard for you to make out any shapes. Only the dark outlines of the trees were visible. As you searched the area for any other bodies. It's already been six days and you've only encountered one demon. As soon as the sun rose, you will have completed the Final Selection.

The sound of a snapping branch caused you to slide your blade out of the sheath and stand guard. "There you are." You smirked as you spotted the silhouette of a tall figure hiding amongst the trees. You brought your blade back behind you as you ran, full speed, towards the demon. You made a sharp turn towards a tree, moving your feet up the bark and kicking off of it.

You brought your sword down, but the demon quickly moved out of the way. It was fast. You didn't even nick if a bit. You landed back on the ground, your feet crunching the leaves. You slowly stood up and took a good look at the demon before you. "Shit. You're a big guy aren't you?" The demon was muscular, very muscular, with four arms and dark patterns all over it's pale skin.

The demon charged at you, swiping at your chest, but you quickly dodged the attack and slipped under it's arm. You raised your blade and quickly sliced at it's neck, but it was another failed attack. The demon used one of it's free arms to hit you square in the chest. The force caused you to go flying a couple hundred feet back.

Your back slammed into a tree, causing a sharp pain to travel up your spine. "Ah!" You screamed out as you gripped your lower back. You sat there for a minute to catch your breath as the demon made it's way towards you. "You got me good-" You heard a crunching above you as you looked up to see the demon's hand in the tree.

Without thinking, you rolled in the leaves and hopped up onto your feet. With one quick slice, you took out two arms. The limbs dropped to the ground and the demon stumbled back. As the demon tried to regain it's balance, you quickly moved around it, slashing your blade through it's body several times, until finally, you sliced through the base of it's neck.

The head of the demon flew off, tumbling on the forest floor. "Yes!" You jumped up and down as you sheathed your blade. "Two down!" You puffed your chest out and placed your hands on your hips as you walked away from the limp body. "I did good, right brother?" You patted the handle of your blade as you made your way through the forest.

You looked up to see the sky beginning to turn a light purple. "Just a couple more hours." You smiled as you stretched your arms over your head and strutted through the trees. "I've yet to see another person though. I thought I would have run into someone by now." You looked around, keeping your eyes out for anyone else dressed in the black uniform.

Since the past 6 days, you couldn't remember any of the faces you say in the beginning of the exam. They all had pretty plain personalities and all very quiet. "I wonder how many made it this far." The birds had begun singing as the sun slowly crept out and beamed through the trees.

You softly hummed as you made your way down the mountain, your hand still on the handle of your blade. As you made your way down the slope of the mountain, you could feel the bottom of your feet begin to cramp up. "Ok ok ok." You stopped for a minute and crouched down, looking down the mountain. Right in front of you, you could see the purple wisteria flowers peaking out from the trees.

"I'm so close." You groaned as you stood back up and walked down the rest of the mountain. As the trees began to disappear to reveal a concrete path down below. You could make out two people standing below a torii. They both held lanterns in their hands as they stood below the wisteria flowers.

You smiled as you hopped down, through the flowers and onto the concrete. You looked behind you to see two other people walking down the path towards the girls that stood under the torii. You turned back around and walked towards the girls, one who was in black clothing with white details and the other wearing the opposite.

Once the two other people stood beside you, the girls looked to the three of you. "You three are the ones who have survived the Final Selection." The girl with black hair spoke with a soft voice. You smiled proudly and looked to the person right beside you. They had silver hair that laid loosely over their face and fell over their shoulders.

"Please come up and choose your nichirin ore." The other girl instructed and you all stepped up to the velvet covered table where the ores were placed side by side. The first person choose the pew closest to them, then the silver haired one chose the ore in the right lower corner.

You hesitated for a moment before placing your hand on top of the ore sitting right in the middle. You twirled the ore in your hand. The roughness and jagged edges of the ore was uncomfortable in your palm. Your eyes lit up as a stared down at it. This was just the beginning of your journey as a demon slayer.

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