Sample- Chapter 3

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Mr. Wellman spends every day this week building us a tree house. Brady says it is some pre-cut kit that he bought at a lumber yard. I was picturing this little, tiny makeshift overhang that we could sit under to keep out of the rain, but Brady's dad is building a tree house that is big enough that even he can lie down in it if he wants. He has some guys come out and help a few times, but I stay back and try not to get in the way when they are here.

Sometimes, Brady and I will help with things on the ground, but his dad doesn't want us in the tree house until it is safe. So instead, we explore the little woods and wade in the creek. We read to each other and sometimes just lie on the ground, staring up at the sky without saying a word.

My mom doesn't seem to care that I am off in the woods. She used to leave me alone for a couple of hours a few days a week, but this week it's been every day and for much longer. I feel like something is changing in the house, but I don't know what yet. I am afraid to question it because I don't want to lose being able to see Brady.

Now it's Friday, and the tree house is finished. His dad is letting us go up the ladder for the first time. Brady makes me go up in front of him in case I fall, and I climb carefully. Mr. Wellman built it partially in a tree but not so high that it's scary. There's a railing in the front for if we sit outside and two plastic chairs for us to use. I open the door and walk inside, my mouth dropping open at how perfect it is. Brady follows me in, his mouth dropping open, too.

"Wow, Dad, this is awesome!"

Mr. Wellman is behind us, a smile on his face. "I wanted it to be a place you could come to for years, even as you get older."

I'm not sure when he snuck this stuff in here, but on one side, there's a small table with two chairs, and on the other side, there's a cushioned mat on the floor, right next to where you can open a hatch into a window. It's open now, and the breeze feels good in this heat.

"In that tub, there are sleeping bags for when you're out here or if you want to camp out overnight. There are flashlights and a lantern in there, too."

Brady turns to hug his dad, and I get pulled in for one with them. I swallow down the sobs that want to come out. Why can't my dad be like this and love me? I wish that I could be adopted into the Wellman family and never have to go home again. My mom's face flashes before me, and I feel guilty for thinking that. "Thank you, Mr. Wellman," I say when the hug breaks.

"You're welcome. I'll leave you boys to have fun now."

Brady stands in the doorway as his dad climbs down. "Thanks, Dad, you're the best."

After his dad is gone, we both grin at each other and hurry to get out the sleeping bags to put on the thick camping mat. Brady has brought his backpack with the current book we are reading and some snacks. We spend the day lying here reading and talking.

When it's time for me to go home, we put the sleeping bags away.

"My dad is home tomorrow... I'm not sure when I'll be able to come out here."

Brady frowns. "He's not going to hurt you again, is he?"

I hope not, but you never know with my dad. "No, I won't give him a reason to."

"I've brought something, but I wasn't sure if you would get into trouble for it." He takes out two things that look like clunky cell phones. "They are two-way radios that go really far. My dad said they will work all the way to your house. Do you think your dad would let you keep one there?"

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