day. 1..

11 0 0

It all started my friend took my pencil sharpener.. as I wondered why.. as I got it back the blades wernt in there.. I ask can u put them back as he did. I asked how did u get it out .. tools was his answer..

So .. I went home sat in my room for two damn hours.. getting these blades out. Ugh life man. I never cut before this day I tho have thought I should but I never did.. anyways . I finilly got them out .. the blades... I was nerverous.. like I was holding a blade should I start my addiction or not... before this day I never had a adiction.

I slowly slide the sharp.. thick but thin blade across my beautiful wrist it felt weird good happy exciting so i went on.. I had over 5 scares extreme deep .. I didnt know what to do I ran to my mum .. she rushed me to the DR well ER and I had to get stiches.

Next day at school the boy saw my wrist was in tears he said why !!

My response .. on fb I got called a slut and attention whore broke me.. also my dad said FUCKING doub ass my brother called me emo

So I did WHAT u do.

He ran out of class in tears I felt bad but didnt that night.. uhh well I was searching up stuff and um well.. I got called twice as bad as names by everyone .. I found a new spot .. but I didnt like that I caried on with my arm extreme deep cuts I cut once or twice a week.. going to the stupid ER

I had a friend over one night I was extreme sad she didnt know I cut . So I went to the bathroom . Blades were in my phone case so I went to the bathroom came back long sleefs she asked why I had blood on my sleef .. she pooled it yelled my mom I said fuck why!! I went to the ER AGIN!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2015 ⏰

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