Chapter 2

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Lee Seulbi, amazed at her rotten luck, could only watch in horror as the person she had just run into slipped into unconsciousness. It seemed as if life decided to enroll her into some sort of rigorous bootcamp to toughen her up on such short notice-- tests and trials were just piling in one after the other. Frankly, she was unprepared and was taking things head-on for the time being.

"Agassi!" her personal assistant, a middle-aged man by the name of Shimgoon, cried. "Young miss, are you alright?"

The girl immediately got up on her feet and dusted her clothes. "Don't worry about me. He's unconscious, Shimgoon. Help me get him into the car. Quickly."

It was Seulbi who had filled up the necessary forms once they had gotten to the nearest hospital, which proved to be a rather difficult task considering that she didn't know him on a personal basis. The only thing she was sure of was that his name was Kim Sunggyu (care of the nameplate he had been wearing). She even felt bad for snooping through his backpack, where she managed to gather the necessary data she needed from a set of resumés he had on hand. It was extremely late and her grandfather had already called her up several times now to ask her why she wasn't home yet. Although it pained her to do so, she had to lie through her teeth that she was still busy fixing some business-related things. After a good hour or so, the attending resident finally came out to greet her and update her on the patient's current status.

"The patient is showing signs of fatigue and mild dehydration but it doesn't seem to be due to hypovolemic shock as his blood pressure reading is well into the normal range and the rest of his vital signs are normal. Apart from the small bump on his head, there are no other signs of physical trauma, broken bones or internal bleeding, so I guess it's safe to say that the patient must have fallen because he was overwhelmed by the situation. Also, the bump is really nothing serious-- the swelling will definitely go away if iced enough," the resident informed her. "Not to worry, Miss Lee, the patient is fine. If tomorrow's physical assessment shows normal findings, he can be discharged by the end of the day. Currently, he is asleep in one of the general wards."

Seulbi let out a big sigh of relief. "Thank God."

Now she could go home in peace. For sure, her doting grandfather could not catch a wink of sleep at the moment not unless she returned home safe and sound. "Umm, I've already settled the initial billing for the tests with the head registry nurse, she said she would forward it to accounting first thing tomorrow. Now that that's already out of the way, I should really get going. I'm being doted on back at home," she explained. "Would it be okay with you if I left my phone number here instead? Please pass it on to the patient once he wakes up, alright?"

When Sunggyu came to the next morning, he couldn't but help but smile a little as the pristine white walls and furniture of the hospital greeted him. His plan had completely worked, though it was regretful that he wasn't able to fully enjoy the whole experience. Really, no thanks to girl wonder who had clumsily threw her whole body weight on him and knocked him into unconsciousness.

He could feel some sort of swelling on his head and reached up to feel a rather sizeable bump. Great, she had left him a little present too.

"Good morning, sir, how are you feeling?" one of the ward nurses greeted him.

That was his cue to keep the sick act up. "A bit sore. My head still hurts," he groaned. The nurse kindly handed over an icepack, which he had put over the bump on his head and he listened patiently to all her nursing instructions. Minutes later, his breakfast had been wheeled in. Sunggyu's eyes widened in genuine hunger-- there was so much food for one person alone, it was practically a feast for a king. When his caretaker nurse had been out of sight, he proceeded to wolf down his breakfast with such gusto, anyone who saw him right then and there would immediately see through his sick act.

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