Never Judge a Book By Its Cover

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"Good morning class, im Mr Richardson" me and him catch eachothers eyes for a moment, i could tell they were chocolate brown and they looked heavenly

With his back combed brown hair, brown eyes, and plumped lips, he looked so gorgeous in his white checked shirt, black tie and grey trousers, his biceps were just wow, i could just about tell what was under his shirt, a flipping 6 pack?! good enough for me

"how about we get to know eachother a little? has anyone got anything they want to ask me?" as he said 'questions' most of the girls hands shot up, Sluts.

one girl in the back asked "how old are you?"

"Im 23, way to old for most of you" he looked in my direction as he said that, giving me a little smirk, i glared at him as he turned his attention back to the class

"Are you dating anyone?" the class slut Kacey asked, trust her to ask that

his eyes filled with mistchief "actually im engaged" most of the girls dropped their heads in dissapointment and all the boys whispered "yess!"

"Im kidding!" he chucked, happy with his responce "im single at the moment" he looked at me again, whats with him looking at me like that?! pervert.

"are you still a virgin" one of the shy girls asked, oh god.

"yes i am, i want my first time to be special" for the third time he looked at me, theres no way in a million years i would let him inside my pants, well....

"No more questions?" he smirked "now let me find out more about you, when i call out your name i i want you to say your full name, birthday and two facts about you"

WHAT THE ACTUAL FUDGE?! does he think were in primary?! were 17 for gods sake...

he eventually got to my name,

"Charlotte?" he called, i hesitated a minute, thinking should i give him a piece of my mind? nah ljust go with it, act like the age hes making us act

"Here sir," i got up and raised my eyebrows at him "Charlotte Hindley but everyone calls me Charlie,  im 17, im the oldest in the class and i have a dog named Simba"

he smirked once he saw me get up, i could tell by his buldge he was pleased

once he was finished he made us go in pairs, i ended up with ethan and he made us make a profile of our partner

i filled out the first few boxes, i knew almost everything about him, i mean me and him have been best friends for years, ive loved him since the first day i met him

with his average ginger hair, blue eyes, plumped lips and average body, he was the sweetest thing on this planet

my eyes almost poped out of my head, one of the boxes said 'crush/relationship status' i am so dead..


A/N hey guys sorry i never updated! had my boyfriend over and i was so busy, im gonna update regulary though, Charlotte x

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