vent songish

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TW: Thoughts of s/h, thoughts of death

(Its called CARE btw)

Yeah I can be a happy person as long as I have someone there

To feed me the dopamine and serotonin I require

But as soon as I'm alone I guarantee those feelings, they expire

When people ask how I am I make up a lie

I say "oh I'm fine"

But in truth?

I'm so tired of being tired

On the outside I'm alive

But on the inside?

Sometimes I wish those scissors, they were sharper

Sometimes I wish I pressed, just a little harder

Being alone gives me anxiety

I cant stand what's inside of me

Some people ask "what's the bother?"

I usually brush it off but...

Sometimes i just hate my mother

Sometimes i wish i didnt have a flaky father

Because neither of them are there for me

I have nobody who cares for me

I could grab a knife right now and nobody would grieve for me

Why am i alive?

Because my mother would cherish every second I was gone

My father wouldn't notice

And my boyfriend? He wouldnt either.

And in truth?

I'm so tired of being tired

On the outside I'm alive

But on the inside?

Sometimes I wish those scissors, they were sharper

Sometimes I wish I pressed, just a little harder

If I died?

My mother would cherish every second I was gone

My father wouldnt notice

And my boyfriend?




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