chapter 4

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-the next morning-

Wearing a gray tank top and baggy sweatpants, I stepped into the kitchen. Sam was already up and on his laptop. He greeted me as I grabbed a cup and sat down.

Pouring coffee into my cup seeing how the pot was already on the table. I almost let my head fall on the table since I was still tired.

Ketch and I texted all night. Which made me stay up longer than I wanted too. But I didn't care, I wanted to talk to him. If it had to be through text, them that's fine.

It was about half an hour later until Dean walked into the kitchen. He was going to grab a mug, but stopped when he laid eyes on me.

"What?" I asked tiredly.

"Where the hell did that come from?"

"What are you talking about?"

Dean walked over to me and pointed to my back. He accidentally touched it, which made me wince from pain. The scratches.

Sam looked confused. I forgot about that and how painful it hurt. Dean grabbed a mug and came back to the table. I reached behind me and ran a hand over it, wincing again.

"I-it was from yesterday's hunt with Ketch. A wolf hunt. I got scratched."

"Yeah, some serious damage." Dean said before looking to Sam. "She has giant scratches on her back."

During the night, I took off the bandage Ketch put on me so it could get air. Hopefully healed better than it was before.

"I'm okay, Dean. It's just a scratch. Nothing like I've seen before." I say before sipping coffee.


Quietly reading a book in the library, I flipped through pages and pages. It wasn't one of the Men of Letter's book of knowledge, but just a regular book to read.

Today has gone by fast. Even though it was still daylight, 3:00 in the afternoon, it's been quiet. Sam and Dean went out to get more groceries and a beer run.

Castiel is off doing God knows what. Ketch was gonna practice his aiming, so he's gonna be busy for the next hour or so. Mick is probably doing some paperwork.

"Hello, love." A familiar voice spoke after I flipped a page. I jumped, slamming a hand on the table from almost having a heart attack.

"Damnit, Crowley. I thought we had an agreement that you wouldn't do that."

"Sorry about that, kitten. Old habit." He had a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes.

"We had one night together. One." I scoffed and put down my book. "What do you want?"

Crowly stood, hands in both pockets. Always wearing the black coat with the black suit. I'm jealous he dresses better than me, and he never changes his outfit. Like ever.

"Nothing. However, I do information about your two little problems." Crowley stated. I rolled my eyes and let him contuine. "With why your scratches hurt, and your little British 'friend'."

As soon as he said that, my eyes widen and grabbed for the demon knife. Standing up and having enough time to grab Crowley by his collar, sticking the knife right to the neck.

"How do you know about that?"

"Oh, calm down, sweetheart. You wouldn't dare hurt me." Crowley chuckled. With confidence, I pushed the knife softly on his neck, hurting him but not killing him. He lifted his hands up to be visible. "Okay, okay."

I retreated back, still having a strong grip on the demon. How the hell did he know? He must've stalked me or something.

The scratches as well? I wasn't hiding the marks, but how'd he know about the stronger pain? Could he sense it?

"Start talking, bastard." I gripped the knife tighter, demanding an answer.

"I will as soon you take that bloody knife away from my neck."

Hesitating for a second, I lowered the knife which I put back on the table. Leaning all my weight against the table, crossing my arms.

Crowley sighed, wiping his suit, then stuffing his hands back into his pockets. I was waiting for an answering. I could wait all day.

"I had my demons track you. They reported back to me. The wolves, that Brit." Crowley then scoffed. "You could do better."

"Like who? You?" I laughed.

"Yes. You could be queen."

I sarcastically thought for a moment, fake smiling and chucking. "Sounds like a good title to have. Although, I'm going to pass."

Crowley did the whole bit of turning his head away, rolling his eyes, and scoffing. Almost like he's trying to Per sway me into something.

"You know I can tear that Brit apart-" Crowley raised his voice, but I put a hand up, stopping him from talking.

"I really like Ketch. He's charming, funny, and protective. And you... you are nothing but a one-nighter." I stood up straight and looked him directly in the eyes. "You got me drunk so I could spill my feelings."

Crowley was hurt. He didn't show it, but I could see right through him. I also know that he wouldn't stop until he gets what he wants.

There was silence. I glanced down and internally sighed. Crowley didn't say anything and neither did I for a few seconds.

"Can you explain why it hurt when the wolf scratched me?" I asked in a calmer voice.

"Certainly. We'll talk at dinner. Friday night at my lair, say... 7:00?"

"That's like a whole's day drive, Crowley."

Instead of a comment back, Crowley had a huge grin before disppearing. I mummbled under my breath, annoyed with his shit.

Why does Crowley assume I'll spend a whole day driving to Massachusetts. Just for one little dinner for about an hour or two.

He knows I need to know why. I guess that's why he want's me to go through all the trouble.

Just then, I get a text from my phone. Hoping it's Sam, Dean, or Ketch. Checking the text off my phone, I was right. It's Ketch.

Hello my dear, Y/n. How would you like to have a late lunch? I'm off the clock for an hour, and I wanted to see you.

I smiled at the message, texting him back that I'm in. As I went to grab my coat, Ketch picked out a little cafe to eat.

Meanwhile, as I head out, I texted one of my brothers that I won't be at the bunker for an hour or so.

Crowley is a sneaky bastard. The son of a bitch is smart, I'll give him that.

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