Never should have let you go. (Louis/Niall Fan Fiction)

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Hey guys, new story! The other one just seemed stupid but, if you want me to continue just tell me. So, this chapter is dedicated to @HarryIsMineXD my BFF in real life!! Bahaha.... anyways the whole book is technically dedicated to her cause she wanted me to write it for her. Yeah. It's also dedicated to my otha budday Bethany!! Enjoy!!


Hi... My name is Natali and I am 18 years old, and currently dating Louis Tomlinson from One Direction. It's funny how my life changed so quickly. One day, I'm living in New Jersey then the next, I'm in California with 5 boys!


We were planning on clubbing but, if you know me. I have to be dressed perfectly before heading out to the club. So, I decided on a beautiful dress! It was a sky blue dress that just came below my bum. It was my favorite dress of all time! It came with a pair of sky blue heels and a blue nail polish. As you can probably tell, sky blue is my fave color. So, I put on a touch of lip gloss, eye shadow, and mascara. I'm also not a 'BARBIE DOLL' If your wondering.

"C'mon Natali!!" Louis shouted.

"I'm coming, BABE!!" I shouted back. Oh, I forgot to mention I'm dating Louis Tomlinson. I finally finished my make up and I headed downstairs with everyone else. All eyes were on me.

"Umm.... Is there something wrong?!" I asked worriedly, I thought there might've had a bug on me.

"No, babe you just look.... gorgeous!" Louis said.

"Thank you, not too bad yourself." I said back, smugly. I knew I was blushing, I could feel it. I couldn't help but, bite my lip. I was looking at the couples downstairs. Zayn with Dominique, Liam with Bethany, and Harry with Megan. Lauren doesn't like clubbing, so therefor she didn't come. I miss Lauren though. We were in Cali and she was all the way in New Jersey, she hated traveling.

"OH EMM GEE!! NATALI YOU LOOK HOT!!" Dominique said.

"Thx Spongebob!" I replied back. I was Patric and she was Spongebob, we've had those nicknames since 7th grade. Of course that was like years ago!

"C'MON! WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?! LET'S GO CLUBBING! WOOHOO!" I screamed. They all laughed at me and we all left out the house.

Never should have let you go. (Louis/Niall Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now