Life Oblivion Validation (L.O.V)

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  Everyone backed away questioning who this mysterious man was that came from what some of the idiotic villains believed to be from Heaven or some of that other shit we all know doesn't exist (For anyone who does believe in Heaven, just know I'm joking around and I'm not trying to be offensive to your beliefs).  He stood straight up and looked around him, he knew not to attack the hero's as that was not what he is getting paid for, and it would be a waste of time and energy.  So he immediately put all his focus on the weak villains in front of him and before they could even make a peep, stabbed right through their necks.  The 3 villains that he stabbed died instantly and the other villains around got scared half-to-death.  The criminals then knew that this was no hero.

  On the other side Aizawa had instantly recognized the man as the one who had beat him in a instant awhile back and remembered how his quirk didn't work on the guy.  Because of that Aizawa backed away cause he knew he wouldn't be able to beat him, and the fact that the guy seemed to be focused on the villains and not him or his students.  Bakugou though foolishly enough, blasted past Aizawa and aimed his hand at the towering figure.

  "Bakugou, don't!" Aizawa shouted.

  But it was too late for Bakugou had already shot the explosion at the creature.  Before the smoke could clear, a hand reached out and grabbed Bakugou by the wrist and held him in the air dangling.  The smoke then faded to show the hulking figure holding him without even a scratch.  It then said as it proceeded to throw Bakugou.

  "You are not my target, stay out of the way."

  Zeiram then turned his attention back to the villains and swiftly killed 20 more in a blink of an eye.  He then started slaughtering them, annoyingly the teleportation user got to the hero's but he didn't care.

  Shigaraki  couldn't believe this, first All Might doesn't show up and then some random what seems to be secret boss level shows up, but he knows he'll win cause he has the Nomu.  As he realizes that, he sends the Nomu to attack.

  "Nomu, kill this fool,"

  The Nomu screeches and runs at Zeiram and punches him right in the face.

  "Ha ha, your dead you weakling!" Shigaraki yells while laughing.

  "Is that really what you think, your pathetic,"

  When the smoke clears we see that the punch the Nomu threw did nothing to him.  Zeiram then punches the Nomu and it blows a hole right through it's chest.  The Nomu then starts to regenerate.

  "Fool, you may bypass his Shock Absorption, but he also has Super Regeneration," Shigaraki states.

  The Nomu finishes regeneration and runs at Zeiram again, but all he does is swing his arm so fast and is now holding the Nomu's right arm in his hand.  The Nomu screeches in pain as his entire arm is missing but grows a new one.  Zeiram then cuts both of it's feet off right as it finishes regenerating.  As it grows it's feet back, he then kicks it right through it's spine and also grabs it by the jaw and breaks it.  Zeiram proceed's to keep breaking or ripping off the creatures parts each time it finishes regenerating until he got bored.  After he was done playing, he stuck one of his weapons straight through the side of his head and ripped his bottom jaw off. Then he stabbed a weapon into each limb, pinning him to the floor, then walked up to the head and stepped on it so hard it exploded.  The Nomu then stopped moving all together, just a lifeless husk.  Shigaraki started shaking in anger while scratching his neck.

  "You, you cheated, no one can beat Nomu!" Shigaraki shouted.

  In his shigeraraki's mind he was thinking that this is not just any secret boss, this is the secret Final boss, and he was not ready for it.  Kurogiri then teleported over and told Shigaraki about one of the students escaping and that the hero's would be here soon.  With nothing left, Shigaraki told Kurogiri to open a portal so they could leave.  But before they could do that, a giant needle like weapon stabbed into his arm.  He screamed in pain and as he started to run to the portal, a bullet went in the other limbs, as the hero's had arrived.  Kurogiri had surrounded Shigaraki and teleported both of them away.

  After the hero's got here they looked at Zeiram and Snipe started shooting at him.  He just took the bullets as they hit then just fell on the ground.  Ectoplasm and Present Mic attacked him but he just ignored the sound and ripped apart Ectoplasm's copies with his weapons.  Before the other hero's could attack him, he jumped back through the hole in the ceiling and disappeared.

  Back at his base, he called Overhaul and told him that the deal was done.  Overhaul congratulated him and sent the money to him.  Zeiram then smiled as he found what could be a useful ally in the future.  And with that, his hat began to laugh.

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