kiss me more

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What do two idiots do when it's three in the morning and they can't sleep? Obviously, drive to Wendy's and eat Frosty's in the parking lot.

In Mary's defense, it wasn't her idea, but because it was one of Yumeko's tamer suggestions, she let her go wild. Maybe it'll help Mary shoot down her more bizarre plans next time her girlfriend begs her to rob a Walmart together. She only wishes she was kidding.

After they apologetically nagged the only employee working the Wendy's drive-thru, Yumeko parked facing the empty streets and turned up the playlist she and Mary made together.

"I forget how good their fries are until I get them," Mary pulled the box of fries out of the bag and stole some before placing it in the cupholder. What a surprise! They were actually hot this time.

"How dare you. Their fries are so good," Yumeko didn't sound too offended despite her phrasing.

"I never said they weren't good; I just said I forget that they are good."

"They're too good for you to forget."

Mary rolled her eyes and grabbed a spoon. Yumeko popped the top off of their vanilla Frosty and placed it in the other cupholder slot.

Everything was surprisingly peaceful. The calm music reminded her of their spontaneous drives when they'd blast songs and shout the lyrics with the windows rolled down and the air flowing through.

The changing traffic lights and neon shop lights contrasted the natural shine of the moon reflecting in the windshield.

Just as the thought crossed her mind, she knew what Yumeko's exact words were going to be, so she said them with her: "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"

"You know me so well."

"No, you've just gotten predictable."

Yumeko gasped, "Well that has to change. I have to keep you on your toes."

"After five years, I would hope I knew you well enough."

"But I love surprising you!"

"You still can, don't worry. I just won't have a heart attack if you bring home a motorcycle because you 'felt like it.' I'll just be disappointed."

"Damn, guess I better buy you a helicopter instead."

Mary groaned as she scooped some of the Frosty onto her fries. As annoyed as she acted, her chest felt fuzzy. She closed her eyes to live in this moment for a bit longer.

Through her experiences at Hyakkaou, she's learned to cherish little things like joking around with her girlfriend at ungodly hours. In high school, it wasn't impossible for everything to be ripped away from you by the end of the day. Her circumstances for learning that lesson were far from ideal, but she made the best out of it.

Mary wanted to savor every moment she had with Yumeko.

"You're staring, Mar," Yumeko interrupted her thoughts with a giggle.

The blonde flushed and averted her gaze to the dashboard. "I was focusing on something else," she lied weakly.

"Care to share what 'something else' is?" Yumeko only pried because she knew Mary wasn't telling the truth. Luckily, the song change distracted her.

The first notes were too iconic not to immediately recognize it. That and someone will not. stop. playing. it.

"We hug and yes, we make love, and always just say good night~" Yumeko put on that stupid grin she gets whenever this song started playing. Her upper body swayed to the music, and her beaming red eyes locked with Mary. "And we cuddle, sure I do love it, but I need your lips on mine~"

In the silence, she blew a kiss at Mary, then continued to dance once the music picked back up: "Can you kiss me more~"

Mary could already feel her cheeks heating up. She hoped that dipping a fry in the ice cream would calm her down, but goddammit, Yumeko was just unnecessarily dramatic and so fucking adorable.

"La lala la la- all on my tongue I want it! I feel like fucking something~" Yumeko made it obvious to point toward Mary.

"Yume," the blonde whined, attempting to hide from cuteness overload, but Yumeko grabbed her hand and sang directly to her.

"Sugar, I ain't no dummy, dummy~" she swung Mary's limp hand back and forth and made facials to each line. Her cotton candy vocals meshed well with the song's sweet instrumental. "If we could kiss and just cut the rubbish, then I might be onto something~"

"Sing with me, love," Mary felt her heart melt at the words. Bliss danced in those ruby eyes, and her lips curved into the biggest smile ever to exist (Mary's sure of it). How could anyone say no to Yumeko? Dignity can go to hell.

Gosh, Mary's fallen so hard she's basically glued to the floor.

"And when we French, refresh, gimme too...," Mary started mumbling. "When I bite that lip, come get me too."

"She want lipstick, lip gloss, hickeys too!" Yumeko's eyes flickered stars. Her swaying became more energetic as they continued the song.

Yumeko's energy could infect Mary even when she knew she looked like a fool. As she warmed up to the idea of being silly with her girlfriend, she started singing louder and finding the groove rather than fighting it.

By the end of the song, they were laughing and singing at the top of their lungs. They even put on a funny voice to imitate the final notes.

Mary relaxed into the seat: "When the fuck did I learn the lyrics?"

"It's just that kind of song, I guess," Yumeko wore a prideful grin as she took a few fries.

"Totally not because it's the only song you play."

"Of course, that's a crazy idea."

Mary shyly grabbed Yumeko's hand on her thigh. The latter laced their fingers together and giggled.

"Does that mean I should kiss you more?" Mary said sarcastically.

"I mean if you're offering-"

"Nope, forget I said anything. I did it to myself," Mary threw up her free hand.

Yumeko leaned to face her: "Can I get one, please?" Mary continued to side-eye her, so she added an extra, "Just one?"

The blonde scuffed a breathy laugh, "Yes, Yume." She leaned forward and captured Yumeko in a short but sweet kiss. "I love you."

"I love you," she stole a quick peck before returning to her side of the car.

"You said one," Mary pretended to be shocked.

"I have to keep you on your toes!"

Yumary Oneshots! [vol. 1]Where stories live. Discover now