t w e n t y e i g h t

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lost puppy:
hi love

my girl:
sirius we're in class

lost puppy:
im in transfig its fine

my girl:
i cant believe ur a whole animagus
and u still pretended to suck at that subject

lost puppy:
i had to get ur attention somehow
speaking of attention
give me attention

my girl:
pay ATTENTION in class sirius

lost puppy:
but i miss u

my girl:
i literally saw u last period

lost puppy:
its been 20 mins and i miss my
sneak out

my girl:
i cant leave class
and neither shld u

lost puppy:

my girl:
sirius u need to pay attention in

lost puppy:
but id rather pay attention to u

my girl:
if u get thru transfig i'll sneak out
nxt period

lost puppy:

my girl:
(message not sent) i have a free period nxt

eros; sirius blackWhere stories live. Discover now