Chapter One

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Chapter One

Rainy Day

The is muddy as the little girl treads her way to school. With each step, she takes she can feel more water seep into her black boots. Light flashes in front of her and she thinks she wouldn't be surprised if the school was canceled.

Although it would disappoint her it would be ok because then she would be with her dad all day.

Vianna's shoes squeak loudly each time she lifts her foot, and she shivers as the cool rain seeps through her thin jacket. Her teeth chatter and her hair whips around in the wind. She thinks that no doubt she will get sick later.

Her mother was supposed to drop her off, but she was gone before Vianna even woke up. That has been happening a lot lately and Vianna never knows why. She asks her daddy but he says it's grown-up problems.

But every night they still are in the kitchen hugging, in their bed cuddling, or on the couch kissing like any mate couple which is what Vianna still knows nothing about.

In the distance, a white brick building with colorful words and some windows comes into view. Vianna is still a little girl and does not know what the big words say. She starts to get a little more excited knowing that her friend will be there.

When she and her family moved to town her parents signed her up for Little Learners Academy which was an advanced preschool for werewolves. 

She isn't a werewolf but her family is and therefore they think she is one too. 

"Ahchoo," she sneezes and sniffles. 

Miss Welaby, a teacher from the little academy sits inside the warm building taking attendance. Her gell pen rolls around the thin paper effortlessly marking each student that says here. "Vianna Vergues?" The name gliding off her tongue asking for the little girl who when she looks up does not see. Right as she is about to mark her absence she looks out the window next to the door and her heart stops for a mere second. 

Only ten feet away from the door is Vianna walking rather quickly to the door to get out of the storm. From inside the teacher sees her and gasps in shock that Vianna is out there. Miss. Welaby rushes to the door swinging it open, without shoes on she runs the short distance on the cold wet concrete. Grabbing her by the arms, but no in a harsh way she runs back inside already drenched by those four seconds outside.

"Oh, my heavens why were you outside Vianna?!" Her voice screeches. "Hurry Mr. Caleb hurry and get some blankets and new clothes for her!" She bosses the new student teacher holding Vianna's face.

"Oh, sweetheart why were you out in the rain?! You could've gotten struck by lightning, and where is your mom?!" 

"She left for work early this morning..." Vianna's small voice carries through the room of gaping preschoolers. 

Miss. Welaby gets on her knees to be level with the little girl and holds her face in her hands with her thin fingers caressing her pale cheeks. 

From the corner of the room is little Victor. He wants to run over to his best friend Vianna by Mr. Caleb said they had to stay there so they don't overwhelm her. Before Vianna came to the school Victor would never be seen being friends with a girl let alone because girls have cooties. But once he saw Vi, he felt like they had to be friends. So that day at recess he went up to her on the swings initiating the first time they met and asked to be friends.

But now as he sits in his chair with his other friends playing with dinos and legos he just watches Vianna wanting to hug her and give her all his werewolf warmth. 

Taking Mis. Welaby's hand Vianna is led to the bathroom where she changes into a spare change of clothes. They are for a boy but that fact doesn't really matter to anyone.

When she is done changing a blanket is wrapped around her shoulders giving her even more warmth than the wool clothing provided. 

"Can I see Victor now?" She asks in a quiet tone. 

That's not a surprise to Miss. Welaby considering they don't even want to leave each other to use the bathroom or for nap time. 

She inhales deeply before nodding and Vianna trots off to her best friend. 

His face lights up seeing her, and he runs and hugs her tight not caring what his other friends think. 

The rest of the day goes on as any other normal day would go. Well as normal as a little girl walking in the lightning and thunder could be. Miss. Welaby is planning on speaking to Vianna's parents when they come to pick her up. 

Until they never came. 

Vianna's dad was supposed to pick her up as her mom was supposed to drop her off, nothing was going planned today. 

Six o'clock hit and it was time for all the teachers to go home. Miss. Welaby stayed after waiting for Vianna's parents or for anyone really and it was still pouring. 

Little hands encircled her as the little girl to whom those hands belonged peered at the teacher under her brown eyelashes. 

"They aren't coming, are they?" 

Just as the words leave her tongue a police officer runs through the rain stopping at the door before barging in with ragged breath. 

Once he catches his breath he looks at the ladies with sad eyes and Vianna knows something is not right. 

Slowly he says, "Vianna Vurges?" 

The teacher nods and looks down at the little girl.

"They are dead right?"



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