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3rd POV

Walking home, "the two sisters blabbered about their days giving both Sasuke and Shikamaru a headache. The five year olds continued walking till a question was arised.

"Sasuke-Kun, Why's your hair shaped like a ducks bum?" asked the not-so-innocent sister Luna.

" I dunno, Why do you have a small brain?" he backfired.

"Why? You jealous? You jealous?!"

While the two children bickered Shikamaru and the more innocent sister Yuki continued walking, holding hands ever so lightly.

"Do they ever not argue?" Questioned Shikamaru. Yuki shakes her head, no, in response.

"I live with that, everyday" Yuki says so feebly, Shikamaru almost didn't hear.

"YUKI-CHAN!" Yells the over excited Luna as she catches up to the duo. She catches up, Sasuke close behind, Slightly puffing and out of breath.

"Doesn't Sasuke-Kun's hair look like a duck bum?"

In response Yuki nods her head. Luna, happy with her response turns to Shikamaru.

"Shikamaru-Kun, Do you agree?" Shikamaru nods frantically in response.

"SEE SASUKE-KUN, I TOLD YOU! HA!" She yells jumping about in victory. Turning red in the face he mutters 'Baka' and starts to glare at the trio. 

Yuki, slightly intimidated goes to hide behind Luna in an attempt to not be seen. Luna, sensing Yuki's fear continues to walk with her sister by her side, letting Shikamaru and Sasuke follow on behind.

Approaching the house a sense of dread blended in with the air. Upon entering the house gasps emitted from the young at the sight.

Blood. Everywhere. The deep crimson liquid stained the walls, carpets, windows and roof. Following the trail they see the disturbing source. The parents of Yuki and Luna lay there. Still, Motionless, Quiet. 

The silent room was filled with sobs in a matter of seconds. Yuki sat beside her mother tears flowing freely as she silently mourned. Even the hard headed Luna sat by her sister and sobbed.

As the two mourned, soft footsteps could be heard echoing around the house announcing an arrival.

"I knew this would happen" the familiar voice flew through the air forcing the siblings to look up and see the enqatence. Kakashi. Or uncle Kakashi to them, seeing as he was a family friend.

"O-Oji Kak-kakashi!" they both called out in midse of sobbing. Seeing their obvious fear and distress Kakashi cooped them both in his arms, hushing them as much as he could. His eyes scanned the house taking in all the damage. They soon stopped on an all to easy to recognise symbal.


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