She Can't

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At University

"Hi Hyun!"

"Oh, you're back in a good mood now?"

"I'm always in a good mood"

"Hmm but lately you seems off"

"Forget about that, I can have my moods too, you know"

"If that so, I hope you're always not in the mood to bother me"

"Haha you wish"

"Why did you even like annoying me? Is it fun?"

"Yeah totally fun, I mean you look cute"

"I've heard that a couple of times, so you like me just because I'm cute? Typical womanizer"

"Of course not!"


"I mean I like you not because you're cute, I mean you're really a warm person, and I love that about you"

"Are you talking nonsense? I'm literally the coldest bitch here in the campus. How can you say I'm warm"

"Oh shut up Hyun, we all know you're aura screams bitch. But the truth is you're kind and you care for people, you're just good at masking it all out"


"Are you satisfied with my answer?"

"Hmm not bad"

"So would you date me now?"

"Still no, sorry haha"

"What do you want me to do for you to say yes?"

"I don't know probably try joining some cult or something"

"Urgh I hate you"

"Oh shut that darn mouth you love me more than you hate me"

"I hate that that's a fact"

"The world know how much you love me, how much you're head over the heels for me"

"Being confident now are we? What if I stop then?"

"What? You'll stop loving me? haha I just know you can't"

"I hate that that's a fact as well"

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