Club Acts

426 15 0

At University



"Where are you going?"

"I'm on my way to class Hyun, I need to hurry I'm late"

"Okay I guess I'll see you at lunch"

"Uhm I have some errands to run"

"Okay, but you'll walk with me after class, right?"

"I thought you hate walking with me? Cause I always annoy you"

"Yeah I hate it, but I've got no choice. I literally have no one to walk with"

"I'm sorry but I've got club activities Hyun"


~~~ few hours later ~~~


"Oh hey"

"I thought you have club activities, where are you going?"

"Uh-h u-uhm"


"It was postponed I think"

"I see, where are you going?"

"Uhm home"

"And you didn't even ask me to tag along?"

"Oh sorry I forgot"

"Really? Are you avoiding me?"

"What? Of course I'm not! That's absurd"

"But it seems like it"

"I'm not Hyun, okay? Let's just walk. Come on"





"You're quiet today"

"Haha really I am? Sorry my mind was probably preoccupied"

"Yeah looks like it"

"Hm so how was the sleepover?"

"Oh it's nice, we're kind of stress about the project since it is really difficult and we're under pressure but it went well"

"That's nice"

"Yeah Wendy is really calm and she helped a lot"

"I see"

"She actually asked me on a date"

"Poor Wendy, tell her that I'll welcome her to the 'rejected' club HAHAHA"

"What do you mean?"

"What?! Don't tell me you said yes?"

"Uhmm yeah"

"Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Of course I said yes! Like why would I even say no?"

"You barely even know her"

"That's the point of dating, Lisa. Getting to know the other person"

"Yeah, but I just don't get it! For years you've never even go on a date with me, which I totally respect. But now, you're telling me you said yes to someone whom you've met for just a few weeks. I just don't get it! Is there something wrong with me? Am I not worth it? Do you hate me to the extent you'll literally date anyone but me?"

"Lisa it's not what you think it is"

"Oh yeah? Then make me fucking understand"

"I don't even know why you're acting like that! You're not my girlfriend for fuck's sake!"



"You know what Hyun? you're right. I'm sorry for acting that way. Well, I guess good luck on your date"


"I suddenly don't feel like walking, I'll take the bus. Be safe on your way home..."


"Goodbye Hyun"

"Lisa wait!"


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