Chapter 7- Singing for Sharpay

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To say I was devastated when Troy said he was hoping to marry Charlotte in the future would be the biggest understatement of the century. It honestly felt like he ripped out my heart, stabbed it, and ground it under his foot. Talk about a great start to the week! Not to mention the talent show is in a week and a half and I'm still writing my song (thank goodness it's almost done). As awkward as my Sunday was, what made matters worse, or at least in my own mind was that straight after Troy saw me crying I immediately fixed myself up and ran over to his house to make sure he didn't think anything was wrong. I just hope it worked. 

This brings me to where I am now, sitting on my bed with my guitar in hand, editing, revising, and adding on to my sheet music. In all honesty, I think it sounded pretty good. "Standing by and waiting at your back door, all this time how could you not know baby, you belong with me, you belong with me. Oh, I remember you driving to my house in the middle of the night, I'm the one who makes you laugh when you know you're 'bout to cry, I know all your favorite songs and you tell me 'bout your dreams, think I know where you belong, think I know it's with me," I sang softly smiling to myself at my latest verse. "Man, I really outdid myself," I grinned looking at my stuffed animal bunny Snuggles. Don't ask. I basically just finished the song, I can always repeat my bridge or pre-chorus so that way it flows and isn't as clunky. I promised Sharpay she'd get to be the first one to listen to the 'real thing', she helped me out a lot giving me her honest and might I say very harsh opinion. Either way, I would need her help figuring out which verse to repeat and what I need to change. I might talk to her Monday... I decided internally noting that the talent show was Friday. Or maybe I should talk to her today?? Biting my lip deep in thought, I nearly pressed the call button before getting interrupted by a 'tink'. "What's up buttercup?" I laughed sliding open my window. "I'm bored," Troy whined throwing his head back like a little kid throwing a fit. "That sucks," I smirked shaking my head in amusement. "That's when you say, "Gee Troy, I wonder how I can fix that problem... maybe we should hang out!"" He mocked in a high-pitched voice, making dramatic hand motions. "Go bother your girlfriend Bolton," I chuckled closing my window and calling Sharpay.

As I was discussing on when and where to finally show her the final product, an insistent fleet of pebbles kept banging against my window. "Okay what is that noise?" Sharpay asked annoyed. "It's Troy," I sighed asking for her to give me a minute. Of course, she complied saying that my boyfriend is more important than her. Whether that was sarcasm or not, I would never be sure. "What do you want Troy?" I groaned shooting him a death glare. "I want you to hang out with me!" He whined shooting me an innocent smile. "I told you to go bother your girlfriend," I dismissed beginning to walk back towards the phone. "But I wanna hang out with you," he insisted leaning out of his window so that we were only a few feet away from each other. "I said no." I smirked slamming the glass pane shut. Returning back to my important phone call, we decided I'd come over to her vast mansion at 5. Seeing as it was already 4:00 o'clock, I freshened myself up and began the long walk down the stairs. 

"Gabriella, someone's here to see you!" Mom shouted just as I slid my shoes on. "But I'm about to leave!" I protested hobbling over to the door my left shoe in hand. "Just come here," she shouted motioning me over to the tall wooden frame. "I swear if it's Troy..." I muttered under my breath letting out an agitated groan as I saw the tall boy man in the doorway. "Hey Gabs," Troy said coolly a sly smile adorning his all to attractive face. "I said no!" I retorted pushing past my best friend to walk towards my car. "No to what?" My mother shouted after me. "I'll tell you later," I shouted waving goodbye. Putting my car into reverse I slowly started backing before letting out an annoyed grunt. Troy's stupid grinning face was in my rear view mirror. "Troy Alexander Bolton, move your stupid butt or I'm going to run you over!" I warned continuing to back out of my driveway. Finally, he moved. "You owe me Montez," he shouted from the sidewalk shaking has head with an amused smirk. Breathing out in relief, I hummed along to the songs playing on the radio hoping that one day, people would sing my songs.

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