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(Please read till end)

Hey guys! Its been a while since i posted last. But here I am, sorry its not an update, but it will be soon, maybe in the beginning of august. This is about the main character's face claim and information about her. Also there are several question for you to answer as well, just to give you an idea about whats going to happen in future, if you give your views on them. Go down the whole page and tell me what you feel about it. I will wait eagerly for you comments.


Eleanor Dawn Osborne

Eleanor Dawn Osborne

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(If you dont like my choice, you can imagine whoever you want and give your suggestions)

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(If you dont like my choice, you can imagine whoever you want and give your suggestions)


~•~Eleanor ~•~ El ~•~ Nora ~•~ Ellie ~•~
~•~ Sunshine ~•~ Dawn ~•~ Prongs ~•~
~•~ Prongslet ~•~ Slytherbitch ~•~

|| Born On ||

~•~ 30.08.1980 ~•~

|| Nature ||

~•~ Sassy ~•~ Sarcastic ~•~ Bitchy ~•~

~•~ Nyctophobic ~•~ Catlover ~•~

|| Hobbies ||

~•~ Quidditch ~•~ Dancing ~•~

~•~ Pranking ~•~ Pissing Snape off ~•~

Hey guys I was thinking for some plot changes and also wanted to have your views on them. Please answer the questions below.


Q. Shall I focus more on Eleanor's love story? 👀

Q. I was thinking El should have a small sweet awkward crush on Remus, (just for fun, nothing serious), would you like it? 😶

Q. Shall Harry know about his sister in the starting of 4th year? 🤨

Q. I want to show Marcus as a playboy, but still his heart will belong to only Eleanor, do you like the idea?

Q. How many of you are interested to know about El's horrible past?😨

Q. Do you want Remus lupin or Mad eye Moody or both as darkarts teacher in fourth year?🙄

Q. How many of you are interested in Sirius and Claire' lovestory?😁

Q. I want to introduce Marlene McKinnon and then she will be casted opposite to Remus Lupin, breaking El' little heart, how about this one?😶

Q. Would you like to see El miss her real father?🙄

I know I am very unprofessional(lol) but thats how I am. And I personally love this plot and I am gonna do everything to make it best. So please tell me about your views on it.

- Author

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