Chapter Two

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Draco Malfoy's Pov:

Little Harry was very cute, he put his hand on Draco's mouth every time he tried to speak. Harry told him cutely, '' No, no, Dwaco listen to Hawwy. I Hawwy you Dwaco wite?'' He asked to Draco.

The child had a strange way to speak and pronounce things, but to Draco it was very cute how Harry used w's instead of r's.

The trio entered Dumbledore's office, with no one inside Draco decided to take a seat with Little Harry on his lap, he knew that it was rude to take a seat with out permission but he wanted to play with Harry.

"Where is my little boo? Where is he?'' He asked with a low chuckle, tickle - playing with the little boy.

That's when Dumbledore decided to walk into the room all dramatically, Draco almost rolled his eyes at the dramatics but it would ruin his pureblood mask.

"What do we have here?'' He asked with a chuckle looking down on the little boy.

" Mr Malfoy turned Mr Potter into a baby during Potions.'' Snape informed the Headmaster, sneering gleefully that it was Draco that made that mistake.

" Ah, yes, well Severus then you must simply re - age him!'' Dumbledore said in his scratchy voice to Severus with a bit of glee in his voice.

Snape smirked with a sneer, '' There in lies the problem Albus, if we re - age him now,he will have no childhood, but if we simply get a guardian to take care of the boy, we can re - age him in segments when he gets to his proper age, not only will he get a new childhood but he will also be able to remember his old one!''
Uh huh .... Well then we must find a Guardian, the Durs -''

"I'll do it!'' Draco seemed to override Dumbledore's voice. He knew that Dumbledore would allow it he was such a foolish man!

Everyone knew what Harry's life was like with the Dursley family, it came out after the war that his family used to abuse him and used him like a house elf, so there was no way that Draco would allow him to go back to that family. Then he would rather do it himself!

"Draco? Are you sure that you are ready to take on such a big responsibility?'' Dumbledore asked the boy, doubt could clearly be heard in his voice.

" Yes, headmaster, I am sure.'' There was no other way he was sure Snape wouldn't do it and he wouldn't let him be sent back to those people.

" Well then Draco, if you are sure that you are up to the task then I see no reason to stop you, but , I also see no reasons to give you anything special for your actions. I would prefer it for you to still keep him in your Slytherin is Dormitory.'' Dumbledore winked at Draco.

Draco cleared his throat and said ‘’ Headmaster Dumbledore, I really do not think that's a very good idea, I mean - ‘’

‘’ No Draco, I think that you will do just fine with what you are provided and all of your fellow Slytherins will help, ‘’ Dumbledore shoved off his complaint without even hearing him out.

DUMB OLD MAN, he knew that the Slytherins hated Harry Potter and now him as well. They would never welcome a traitor and a Gryffindor into the dorms nor would they treat them better because Harry is now an adorable toddler. He almost wondered what did the old man take or sucked to make him think the Slytherins would help him and welcome them.

Harry pulled on his face forcing him to look down to look at him, ‘’Hawwy don wanna meet new scawy people. ‘’ The little boy almost said in tears.

‘’Really, I don’t want you to meet new people either, ‘’ muttered Draco as they exited the old man’s office, Draco just give up trying to speak to them and tell them that the Slytherins wouldn't except them. The last six to seven years were bad enough, they all insulted him for not killing Famous and Good POTTER and the rest he was just the traitor Malfoy, of course he wasn't ! He was the great Draco Malfoy ! But all of that would change for the worse now that he was bringing Po - Harry into the Slytherins dorms.

Draco looked down at the cute little boys face, he was giggling and clapping his little hands together ,Draco forgot all his problems bumping into a wall because he wasn’t focusing on where he was walking, falling down and accidentally let go of little Harry.

Harry was panicking, ‘’ Oh, no! Hawwy kill Dwaco, no no no Hawwy no want to kiwl Dwaco! Hawwy wuf Dwwaco! ‘’ Harry sat on the ground and began crying a big puddle of tears on the ground as he was panicking about Draco before Draco stood up and picked up the crying toddler.

‘’ No baby Potter - ‘’ Draco started before Harry put his hands over Draco’s mouth.

‘’ Pottew a bad name! ‘’ Harry said whispering to him as if the little boy was telling Draco a big secret.

‘’ What do you bloody mean Potter is a bad name, it’s yours!’’

Harry put his hands back over Draco’s mouth and looked around them to see if anyone was coming, but no one was coming and the little boy let out a sigh of relief.

Draco crouched down and looked Harry right in his eyes, ‘’ Who told you Potter was a bad name, love? ‘’
Harry giggled then put on a much more serious face and whispered in Draco's ear, ‘’ Uncum Verwom .‘’

‘’ Who is uncle Vernon next to the great Potters! ‘’ Draco said,he didn’t like the Potters , but everybody knew that they were great people and no one would argue with that.

‘’ Weally? ‘’ Harry asked, his big, green eyes twinkled with excitement.

‘’ Yes, do you want to hear a story? ‘’ He asked the excited boy.

‘’ Ya! Ya! Ya! I nemew get stowwys wed to me inda cwoset
! ‘’ Harry clapped his little hands excitedly.

‘’In the what now?’’ Draco asked the little boy.

‘’IN tha cwoset? ‘’Harry tried to tell Draco firmer but ended the statement as a question instead of firm.

‘’ Why would you be in the closet ? ‘’ Draco asked again.

‘’Me live thewe, ‘’ Harry sounded bored more than scared, What crap has this kid gone through? ‘’ Now lets wead stowy!"

‘’ Okay, okay, lets read a story, get upon my back I am going to give you a piggy ride! ‘’ Draco helped Harry get up on to his back and then told him stories all the way to the Dungeons where their Dorms were.

Frick, not only was he bringing a baby Harry Potter into the dorms, but he was bringing him on the first day of the new semester! And the new year!


I am sorry that It  had taken me so long to update but it has been a rough few months. As you know I am a babysitter and looking after a two year old toddler, I left my boyfriend on our 3 months anniversary, because he insulted my father and said that i wasn’t trustworthy. Then I am studying and that is also a lot of work.I just found out that two of my sisters boys, both have the Corona virus. Like I promised, I posted the vampire book but I am not happy with that book.

Words : 1238

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