Chapter One

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Draco Malfoy rushes to his class cursing all the way from his dorm. He had Potions class with his Godfather Severus Snape - it would not have been a problem before the bloody awful dark war that had taken everything from him happened, his Godfather would not have cared if he was late -he would not have scolded nor would he have taken points, but since the war have ended Severus had changed and he no longer cared for him like he used to.

Draco knew that he would get into trouble but he really could not help that he had over slept and no one bothered to wake him up!

'' You are once again late Mr Malfoy....'' Snape hissed at him in a very cold voice, ''I am surprised that even Mr Potter was on time but not you!

Draco glared at Potter - he was after all Saint Potter, he could Do No Wrong!!

Snape coldly ordered him to take a seat by Potter and he did as the dour man told him to do, he  took the seat not to get into more trouble but everyone could see he was not happy.

''Today I will be testing you, you and a partner must complete a Potion with no book or other help,'' Snape flicked his wand and collected all the books of his Potions class and stacked it neatly on his desk.

Draco looked pale at Snape's words, since the war had ended his friends see him as a traitor and no one else would pare up with him as he was sure they all see him as a coward. But to his surprise Snape wasn't done speaking.

''Malfoy since you are incapable of keeping attendance you will be partner to Mr Potter.''


Harry on the other hand kept smiling at Draco, either because Snape had shown favour to him or something....Else.... Draco quickly shook the thought off of him but kept on thinking WHAT THE FREAK WAS HE THINKING?

Harry calmly turned to Draco, ''So what do you wanna do Draco?''

Draco was very unsettled why was Potter calling him Draco and not Malfoy? And another thought flitted through his mind where was the weasels and Mudblood, weren't they always together?

'' Uh-uh-uh'' Draco stuttered over his words, '' Why do you care?''

Harry sighed at his question, ''Haven't you noticed that lately I'm alone and that Ron nor Hermione have been hanging out with me?''

To say the truth he had not known or noticed because ha had his own problems, but he wouldn't admit that to Potter and suddenly he wondered why was he being friendly to him everyone avoided or hated him even his own Godfather!

'' Since they found out that I am Gay, they have been avoiding me and calling me names, even hexed me a few times and spread around  many bad rumours about me. It just wasn't worth it any more.'' He gave him a sad smile.

'' Why are you being so friendly with me?'' Draco tried to act strong and fierce, but the truth was that he was ecstatic that HARRY POTTER wanted to be his friend !

'' I regretted my decision in first year for not taking you're hand in friendship,'' Harry admitted sheepish.

''And just wondered if the offer is still on the table?''

Draco sat up straight trying to sound sophisticated and said '' I'll think about it Potter, now about the potion, what potion shall we be doing I know 5 of them by heart....''

Draco's voice seemed to trail on until Harry shouted, '' Yes! I know we will do the De - Aging one.'' Harry was very happy about his choice and Draco could not disagree with him.

Draco noticed that Harry wasn't even bothered about his friends not talking to him.... How long had he been LONELY? Draco started feeling bad for the tan boy.... NO! NOT HIM!!! I WILL NOT FEEL BAD FOR THE BOY WHO HAD RUINED MY LIFE!!!!! Draco smirked that was a good name for him! Draco shook his thoughts away and went to collect their ingredients for their potion.

Surprisingly Draco and Harry worked good together and created a practically perfect De - Aging Potion, when they finished they poured their potion into a small vial and placed it onto the table.

'' Sir, may I pleased be excused for a moment?'' Harry asked the Professor nicely.

'' Yes, be back in 5 minutes....''

Draco watched as Harry left and then sat fiddling with his thumbs in a bored fashion.

This caused their vial to tip over and caused a drop to drip into Harry's bottle that had not been closed but left open.... Draco startled picked up the vial not even noticing that some of the liquid had dropped into Harry's water bottle and quickly put it upright again.

Soon enough Harry returned back to class and the first thing he did was to take a sip of his water.....

Since only a small dose fell into his water none of them noticed anything wrong, at first Draco didn't notice that something was wrong and only teased Harry for suddenly being ' shorter ', then it happened Harry had a reversed growth spurt.

Draco for a moment was stunned speechless because in front of him was a 3 year old Harry Potter....

'' Dwaco! '' The tiny toddler hugged his legs.

Then Draco sreamed, all of the students turned and faced them. seeing baby Harry some Oohed and Awed and others laughed - like Ron and Hermione.

Draco could hear them sneer and saying ' Serves that fagot right!'

'' What ever is the problem Malfoy? '' Snape sneered in his trouble voice.

'' Har - Potter he's - turned - into - a - a - BABY!!??'' For once all of Draco's fancy words left him and he stuttered.

'' Class dismissed,'' Snape snapped quickly his face pale and his eyes full of worry, '' Malfoy, Stay,'' he hissed at Draco.

Little toddler Harry was looking up at Draco frowning, '' I make Dwaco sad?? '' he asked before breaking into uncontrollable crying.

Without even thinking Draco picked up Harry and began to comfort the tiny child,'' NO, no, no! You didn't upset me!'' Draco looked straight at Harry, he was a very cute baby, with big wandering eyes, a cute little nose, his face all red from crying but it barely took away from the cuteness that was little toddler Harry Potter and some might even say it added some to it!!

Snape grabbed Draco by his wrist and Dragged him to Dumbledore's office, while they were doing that Draco comforted the little Harry and began growing a connection with the sweet baby boy. His dimples crinkled up when he laughed and drooped when he cried, he was basically adorable.

Hi, this is the first rewritten chapter of the book Me Hawwy. I do not own Harry Potter it belongs to J.K. Rowling.

The credit of this book goes to the author on Wattpad - theblobonwallstreet, but is now written by me.


Words : 1212

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