Tundra and Rocky admit their feelings

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After Rock and Tundra get back to the cabin, Everest and Marshall are sitting outside waiting for them.
"Where were you two" Everest asks.
"I was cornered by a wolf and Rocky came and saved me" Tundra says.
"He was so brave" She adds while blushing.
"Aww, thank you" Rocky says while starting to blush.
Then Everest and Marshall look at each other and then back at them.
"Hey Tundra, can I talk to you for a sec. Alone" Everest asks.
"Um, sure Everest" Tundra says.
Then Everest and Tundra walk inside to talk alone. While they were talking, Marshall walks up to rocky.

Everest and Tundra's conversation

"Tundra. Do you have a crush on Rocky?" Everest asks.
"N-no, why?" Tundra says.
"Because I have noticed that you have been acting strange when you are near him" Everest says.
Tundra hesitates at first, but then swallows her pride.
"Fine, I do have a crush on him. He is so brave and cute" Tundra says.
"Why don't you tell him?" Everest asks.
"Because, what if he doesn't like me back" Tundra says sadly.
"You should still tell him" Everest says.
"Ok" Tundra says.

Marshall and Rocky's conversation

After Everest and Tundra go inside, Marshall walks up to Rocky.
"Rocky, I've noticed that you have been acting strange around Tundra. Is something going on with you" Marshall says
"I, ummm" Rocky says.
Then Marshall realizes what is happening.
"You have a crush on her, don't you" Marshall says.
"How did you know?" Rocky asks.
"I acted the same way around Everest when we first met" Marshall says.
"Yes, I do. I have a crush on Tundra. She is super cute and loyal." Rocky says.
"Then why don't you tell her?" Marshall asks.
"Because she might not like me back" Rocky says.
"Just go with your gut buddy" Marshall say.
"Thanks Marshall, I can always count on you to help" Rocky says.
"I am one of the most loyal and trusted pup in the Paw Patrol" Marshall replies.
"True" Rocky says.
Then they high paw.

Rocky and Tundra Love Story( Paw Patrol Love Stories Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now