Rocky and Tundra make out

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After they left Mr. Porter's, they went on a walk around Adventure Bay.
While they were on a walk, Tundra almost trips while daydreaming about her and Rocky being together forever. When she trips, Rocky catches her and helps her.
"Are you ok Tundra?" Rocky asks. "Yeah,, I'm ok" Tundra says. When they look at each other they both blush alot.

*view through Rocky's eyes*

I look at Tundra.
She looks so beautiful and gorgeous.
Her eyes are prettier than a sunset on the beach.
And her fur is softer than the softest beanbag chair on earth. But how do I tell her this.

*View through Tundra's eyes*

After Rocky helped me, I looked at him and started blushing alot. He is so hot and brave.
He is more handsome than the most handsome person/pup on earth.
His eyes are more gorgeous than everything in the world.
But how do I tell him this.

*through no one's eyes*

After a minute of staring at each other, they both snap out of it. "So, umm. Want to go for a walk" Rocky asks.
(In Rocky's head: "A walk, what am I thinking. She will never want to go for a walk with me")
"Uhh, su-sure" Tundra says while shaking.
Then Rocky smiles and kisses her cheek, making her blush even more.
While they were on their walk, they rested at a tree.
"*deep breath*, Tundra there is something I need to tell you." Rocky says.
"Yeah, me too" Tundra replies.
"You first Tundra" Rocky says.
"Ok." Tundra says.
Then she took a deep breath and grabs his paw.
"I think you are really hot and brave. You are more handsome than the most handsome man/pup on earth. Your eyes are more gorgeous than the most gorgeous thing in the world." Tundra says.
Then she closes her eyes bc she is nervous about what Rocky will think.
Then all of a sudden, she feels someone push her onto the ground and lay on top of her. She feels someone kissing her.
When she opens her eyes to see Rocky kissing her.
When he stops kissing her, she looks shocked.
"But, why" Tundra says in shock.
"Tundra, you look so beautiful and gorgeous. Your eyes are more prettier than a sunset on the beach. And your fur is softer than the softest beanbag chair on earth. And.. I LOVE YOU" Rocky says.
Then Tundra smiles.
"I love you too Rocky" Tundra says.
Then they wrap their arms around each other and they start making out with each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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