Chapter 2

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"Harrisonville is a small town with a population of ten thousand people. It's located in the state of Missouri. The town is an hour drive away from Lawrence, Kansas and it's also—" Robbie began.

"Robbie?" She asked interrupting him mid-sentence.

"Did you even hear anything I said woman?" He blared at the other end of the line.

"Yeah, I just didn't see how that was important. I'll only be here for a day or two. My task is easy, really. I find one Winchester, steal some Winchester DNA, call from a safe location and if they don't want to help, well then—" She began.

"You are really screwed." He finished for her.

"Not how I was going to put it, but yeah, basically. Robbie? I was thinking what if I used that spell when I go steal some of their DNA so you know when they see me the next time they won't find me so repulsive when they find out I am witch," she said sounding hopeful.

"No. You are most certainly not going to use that spell. Remember why we don't we use the spell? No? I'll remind you. The last time you used that spell three years ago, the guy fell in love with you in an instant so much he stalked you for eight months. It took Jacqueline a while but she solved that out well. You don't have to tell me what happened with her Aries. But someday if you make it out alive I'd like to know why," he said.

"Yes," she cleared her throat feeling a knot form knowing that Robbie too would get in trouble if the clan realized she killed Jacqueline. "Look I've been driving around town for the last hour and I see no sign of them."

"You should stop the car and ask someone from town if they have seen an impala. I doubt there are many of those there. And I also doubt they are driving anything else. The map is never wrong Aries. You'll find them, just keep searching. I'll call you when I can, alright?" He said.

"Take care Robbie—"

"You too, hey, you know that I—"

"I love you too, Robert Wilkson."

"I was going to say I hated you. But yeah, I guess that works too. Bye, Aries." He said and with that ended the call.

Aries parked against the curb. Taking her seatbelt off, she stepped out of the car. She let the car ignition on and closed the door behind her. She didn't have great people's skills. And the simple idea of speaking to a stranger made her heart run. With a deep inhale and a quick exhale she walked towards the sidewalk. She leaned on her car until she saw someone pass, a man somewhere in his deep fifty's who seemed to not be in a hurry despite the cold winds.

"Excuse me sir?" She asked. He looked up and met her eyes at the sound of someone addressing him. He stopped in front of her. "This is going to be a weird question. But have you seen an impala driving around town?"

"Are you looking to buy?" He asked. She nodded too afraid to speak. "I have seen an impala driving around some couple of gay guys own it. They came here about three days ago, been staying at my hotel. I don't think it's for sale."

"Oh, that's fine. I have great persuasive skills. Say, where is this hotel of yours?" She asked.

"It's to the other side of town. Drive ahead without taking any turn and you'll find it. If you find yourself around the shops and restaurants you have gone too far," he said with a smile. Aries smiled back and thanked the man. She walked back to the car, put her seatbelt on and drove.

As Aries drove she began to form a plan in her mind. She was going to go to their hotel, find their room and find perhaps a strand of hair or a beer can they drank from and quickly leave their hotel room. She would use their DNA for a spell that would allow her to be at two places at a time. She would be someplace safe while the Winchesters saw her wherever they happened to be.

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