Chapter 10

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"Sam?" A voice shouted. Sam turned his at the sound of his name being called. He appeared disoriented like he'd forgotten what he was doing. Aries got off the hood of the car and for some odd reason she felt laughter bubble inside of her.

"What, Dean?" He shouted. He reached out to her, his hand reaching for hers. But she was shaking from laughter. He frowned. Aries noticed Dean was holding on to their bags. He didn't pay attention to her laughter however.

"Are you ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah, Dean," he said. Aries walked wards her room, her shoulders shaking. He walked behind her. She opened the door to her room, turning the lights on. He didn't walk in, but leaned on the doorframe.

"What's so funny?" He asked. She was grabbing things and throwing them inside her bag without bothering to fold it, which would explain why most of the shirts she wore had wrinkles on them. But he wondered if she even noticed so, probably not.

"I just, shouldn't have tried that," she said. Her voice sounded light as a feather, almost like she was telling a joke. She stopped, holding on to a shirt. "Do you want to know something?" She asked. He scratched his chin with a slight nod. "I've only ever kissed two boys."

He did not know what to reply to that. He crossed his hands and watched as she zipped the bag close, stood by it and looked around the room. She shrugged the bag on, leaned close to him, close enough that he could tell of what she smelled of, faintly of soap and lavender. She flicked the lights off and walked outside.

"But how would you even know if you're a bad kisser? For all we know, you're very good, despite only having kissed two boys," he said. She turned towards him with a slight smile on her lips. They reached the car, put their bags in the trunk and got inside.

"I think you can tell, though. It's like anything you know? Like cooking for example, I've only ever cooked like two proper meals and they were all terrible. So therefore, I must reach the conclusion that I am a bad cook," she said. Dean turned the ignition on, his eyebrows slightly raised. Aries could tell he was paying attention to their conversation.

"Or, it's like one of those things that you think you're bad at but really you're very good at," Sam began. Dean tapped his finger on the steering wheel. A moment of silence passed.

"What are you even talking about?" He finally asked.

"Is there a way to tell if someone is a bad kisser?" Sam asked.

Dean peeled his eyes off the road for a moment and looked at them like he would at someone that was profoundly stupid. "Yeah, of course, man."

"Okay, how?" He asked.

"You freaking kiss them."

         The drive to Quincy was a fifteen hour one. And when Aries wasn't sleeping, she was flipping through her notebook, hoping she could find something that would help her. They stopped only once, to refill the car with gas. Aries had run inside the gas station to use the restroom, half expecting that when she was back, they'd be gone.

But they were still there when she came back, talking about something she didn't find interesting. So she'd gone inside the car and waited for them. When Sam fell asleep, sometime after seven hours on the road, she watched him sleep-but not too much that I'd be creepy, just enough to memorize the trail of his lips.

Most of the time she didn't speak, most of the time they didn't speak either. And sometimes when they did, they would remember things and say, remember when dad made us do this or that? Oh yeah man, that sucked. Aries had looked at the window, seeing the sun slowly rise and the colors mix, perfectly on the sky.

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