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"Did you take Raiden's last pudding?" I laughed.

I thought it possible for Raiden to hold a grudge but not to the extent that they seemed to be ignoring each other.

"Dude now that you mention it, before you left that day, Raiden punched Milton for taking his last pudding." Tom said with a grin. "He hit him good too."

"Seriously? he must have really wanted it." I said surprised. "It's not like him to go that far with it."

Raiden still looked zoned out, not even registering that we were talking about him.

"Did you pay him back at least?" I asked.

"I..." Milton glanced at Raiden and cleared his throat. "It was just a mis..."

"I got to go." Raiden said, cutting him off.

"Shit, so do I." Tom said, taking another bite of my dessert thing.

"I should probably go too." Milton said then turned to leave.

"Fine then I'll just sit here with my half eaten food and enjoy all of the things that Tom found to his disliking."

"I'll buy you something good when you get out." Raiden said with a smile. "When can you get out of here?"

"Aren't I the one who's supposed to have memory loss." I gave him a side smirk.

"What do you mean?"

"It's nothing, I'll get out tomorrow."

"Alright then I'll see you later." he said simply.

"Later." Tom said.

"See ya." Milton said without looking back at me.

What the hell happened during those couple of days?

No one said anything about the accident or the day before but I assumed I could have possibly just gotten drunk and passed out and that could be what stopped me from remembering that night. The problem was that no one mentioned much about it and no one had taken the time to try and jog my memory, which confused me the most.

You would think that when someone lost their memory you would try and help them get it back, but it was as if they didn't want to or just simply didn't care.

From the way Milton and Raiden were acting, I assumed that they had something going on that occupied their mind instead, and it didn't have anything to do with pudding.

I worried that I may have gotten too drunk and confessed to Milton. If that were the case then I could understand why he was acting distant. As for Raiden, I could have said something stupid that hurt his feelings or maybe I confessed in front of him and he was upset about it.

If that was the case, I was a huge ass that deserved to be hit. Raiden and Milton were good friends but because Raiden loved me, I knew that there was a little part of him that disliked Milton to some extent.

I wanted my memory back but I wasn't sure how bad I wanted it.

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