18 | Second Home

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⌜ Audrey Garcia ⌟


The dark is surrounding me.

Holy shit, I'm dying.

Well atleast I'm not dying a virgin.

Okay, fine, I'll accept my faith.

Wait, my bucket list isn't complete. Fuck! No, I can't die yet! I still need to adopt a pet snake and buy a motorcycle.

God, please, I'm sorry for trying to kill my sister. Please let me live until I complete my life goals.

Actually. I'm not sorry for trying to kill Va-plastic-nessa. But I still wanna live.

Wait. How am I thinking and talking to myself if I'm dead?

I gasp for air and open my eyes wide. I look around, panicking, and find myself in the forest, laying down on the ground. Dirtied blood is running down the side of my face and my vision is blur. I can't remember shit that happened like how I ended up here, or what happened to me.

I try to get up from the ground but my body is sore and weak. I feel numb. I try a few more times and manage to stand up, but lean back and grab onto the tree behind me for balance. I have cuts and bruises all over my right side from twigs, thorns and rocks I must've fell onto.

Tears are fighting their way out of me, but I hold in my cry. I'm so confused. My head hurts, my heart hurts, my legs hurt, my body is sore, I can barely find the strength to bring myself to even walk, I'm bleeding like crazy.

I look around and gasp when I find Carlos's car fucked up and burning. Wait, if Carlos' car is here, then where the fuck is Carlos?

"Holy shit!" I yell, finding Carlos on the ground covered in mud and a hell lot of blood. And that's when everything that happened hits me all at once.

I unbalancly run over to him and drag him away from the burning car, then kneel on the ground beside him. I flip him over and his face is so bloody you can't see an inch of skin. "Carlos, wake up, please." The tears that fought to be let out are now streaming down my face as I shake the living hell out of him, trying to wake him up.

But he won't.

I take a deep breath in and gather any and every bit of strength I have in me, and rip out a piece of cloth from my shirt. I bring the piece of cloth to his face and wipe away the blood, and God do I regret doing that, becase now I'm staring down at him with cuts and bruises all over his face. I look down and find more cuts on his chest and collar bone.

"Please wake up, this isn't funny. God I hate you, please just wake the fuck up!" I cry, bringing his body to mine, and laying his head on my lap. I check for a pulse and listen to his breathing only to find him barely breathing.

"Carlos, please, I beg you please, stay with me. Holy shit, you got me crying like a baby over you, please," My head hurts and I'm panicking, and I don't know what to do anymore because I'm too dizzy to think straight and feel like I might pass out again.

Suddenly, I hear sirens ringing not far away. I look up and blood is dripping around my eyes, almost covering my vision. I try to wipe away the blood that I assume is coming from my temple and forehead, and manage to see two ambulances and fire trucks driving over to our direction.

I hold Carlos' hand in mine, hold it up to my lips, leaving a kiss on his knuckles and bring his hand to my chest. I play around with the rings on his fingers as I anxiously wait for the medics and fire fighters to make it to us. It feels like it's taking centuries for them to reach us. I decide to slip off one of my favorite rings Carlos wears and slip it into my right ring finger, since it's the only finger the ring fit in.

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