23 | Red

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Audrey Garcia

For the first time in months, I'm standing inside the house somewhat happy. Carlos is by my side and now that I got him back, I never want to lose him ever again.

Carlos wraps his arms around my waist and rests his head on top of my head as we both stand in silence inside the entrance of the house. He is breathing heavily, and looking around slowly as he takes in the fact he is finally home again. Nothing much changed in the house since he left, maybe a few frames or plants were taken off and a few things were moved around but nothing major.

The only big change in the house is his room. All his clothes are messy on his desk, I never found the energy to put them back. His bed is a mess, pictures of him are hung on the walls, there are tissue boxes all over the floor and bed, and all my shit is messed up in the room because I never cleaned after myself.

I was a total mess during his absence.

"You're room is a disaster," I whisper, feeling a sort of guilt for piling up my mess and making his first time stepping in his room after so long be unpleasing.

"Why, what happened?" He asked as we walk up the staircase and make our way to his room.

"It was hell while you were gone," I sigh, opening the door to his room and revealing the mess to him. Carlos looks horrified at the state of his room, I don't blame him. "After the accident, I.." I inhale a deep breath, trying to control my tears and keep myself from crying, "I lost my dad. Fuck, I miss him so much, I miss his jokes and his sarcasm. He was taken from me too.. too soon, Carlos, too fucking soon. Then I.. I was on the verge of death. That stunt Victor and Vanessa pulled almost cost my life! I was convinced it was over for me, and I hate to admit.. I wasn't too sad about that. Maybe I would join my parents."

I'm crying all over again and Carlos picks me up and sit me next to him on the undone bed. "Then when I saw you on the ground the day of the accident, I lost my shit. Seeing you on the ground, bloody and unconscious, knowing I might just lose you forever, I knew right there and right then, I loved you. . ."

". . .You know, times went by where I got myself convinced you were never going to wake up. And sometimes.. I.. I even thought of ending it. But I never did, because I wanted to be here when you in fact wake up," Tears are running like a damn waterfall down my cheeks and Carlos took me into his arms and hugged me tight, "I was a mess while you were gone, too exhausted to do anything other than cry."

I'm twisting Carlos' ring as I try to calm myself down and Carlos notices. "You took my ring," He says, smiling down at me, "I noticed one was missing when they gave me back my rings, but I assumed it got lost."

"It was my favorite ring of yours, it had the words 'mi amore' written on the inside of it and I love that nickname you give me," I sadly smile down at the ring, taking it off and revealing the words, "I wanted something that reminds me of you at all times."

Carlos stares down into my eyes, his eyes are teary and the wetness of his tears make his green eyes shimmer so bright and beautifully. Green is my favorite color, because green is the color his eyes.

I bring the ring up to him, "You can take it back if you want."

"Fuck, no. What I want is you to keep it, in fact keep every piece of my fucking jewelry in this entire damn house if you want. You are the most adorable person I've ever met," Carlos grabs my face and plants a soft and sweet kiss onto my lips.

But after a few passing seconds, his kisses turn rough and hungry. Carlos is grabbing onto my hips and laying me back onto his bed. His kiss is still the same as it was before the accident, like being such a good kisser was built in him. He tastes so good, and he makes me feel so, so damn good. His lips slide off of mine and slowly but roughly down my neck. He leaves a trail of hungered kisses, followed by his hands sliding up and down the sides of my body from underneath his sweater I'm wearing.

"You can keep all my damn clothes too," He says, after breaking the kiss while trying to catch his breath, "Fuck you look so goddamn attractive in my clothes." He is leaving countless kisses that make me feel surreal, "And I'm dying to find out how much more attractive you are with my clothes off,"  He whispers into my ear.

Carlos brings his lips back onto my skin and I feel like I'm on fire again. His kisses trail down my neck, to my shoulder than my collar bone. He kisses me like he has been craving me for years, yet his kisses are so sweet and tender. My God, every kiss makes me go feral, I'm addicted. Obsessed.

He grabs onto the sweater and pulls it down as he continues to make his way down my collar bone, but he later removes the sweater completely, throwing it aside.

"Red," He whispers, smirking down at me.

"What?" I breath out.

"Your bra is lace red," He brings his hands up to my chest, "Red is my favorite color."

"Since when?" I giggled a little.

"Since I saw how fucking attractive the color is on you," Carlos grabs the hem of his shirt and pulls it over his head before throwing it off somewhere in the messy room. He sits me up to undo my bra then says,

"You went through hell these past few weeks, so let me take you to heaven and make it all up for you, my love."

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