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At the call of her name, the girl inwardly groaned, slowly and hesitantly turning around. She was hoping to be able to walk to the cafeteria without having to bump into him. She looked up to meet the cunning eyes of none other than Travis Webster.

"What do you want, Travis?" she asked, annoyed. Rolling her eyes, she looked at her nails. Summer didn't want to look at his face so that he wouldn't see her irritation, even if she already made it obvious.

"Yo, chill," Travis said with a chuckle. He glanced down at her with plotting eyes, meeting her own. "I was gonna ask if you figured anything out 'bout Rakim and them."

Summer sighed. "No, I haven't, I'll figure something out, though," she said lamely. She wasn't sure if she was comfortable with his little plan. Summer had been getting along quite well with Tyler and Jaden over the past week. Was going through with Travis' scheme worth it?

Travis' eyes noticeably darkened. "Hurry the fuck up then," he grumbled, aggressively. He was growing impatient of waiting for the girl to find out something he could use to his advantage. He brushed past her before walking over to his friends.

Summer bit her lip in slight worry. Her eyes turned to the direction he went in as anxiety slightly built up inside her. She didn't like the energy she sensed from him at all. Not only that, but it became clear to her that there was no escaping Travis now. Even if she didn't want to be involved in whatever Travis was brewing, Summer knew she couldn't back out anymore. He would only continue to be more aggressive with her and perhaps make her a target.

Wiping the anxiety off of her face, she broke her gaze and continued walking towards the courtyard, over to where Tyler and Jaden were sitting. "Hey, y'all," she greeted, taking a seat and smiling at the boys, who were talking about some The Internet album.

"What's up," Tyler said, who didn't look up from his tray and poked at his food with his fork. He seemed to be thinking about something, and Summer wondered what. It had been a week that the three were hanging out and Summer was slowly warming up to their company.

Tyler couldn't stop thinking about Rakim and the upcoming date with Rihanna. He still can't believe he agreed to it. He was just setting himself up to get hurt and he knew that. So why did he take the ticket?

He knew the answer already. He'd do anything for that boy. Anything.

"Not much, what y'all doing?" Summer replied.

Jaden grinned. "Me and Tyler are going to see Chloe x Halle on Saturday!" he announced proudly.

Tyler looked up from his tray and smiled sadly at him. Jaden was so happy to be going with him that it made him feel bad.

Summer noticed this and furrowed her eyebrows, but smiled nonetheless. "Chloe x Halle huh..." she said warily.

She wondered if anything else was going on between the two, but decided not to think too much about it.


Rakim sat on his bed, aimlessly scrolling through his Instagram feed without a thought. He was supposed to hang out with Tyler tonight since it was their usual night together, but Tyler had been ambivalent around him, throwing mixed signals that left him confused. Were they still on for the night? He, too, wasn't sure.

He sat up on his bed and exhaled, opening his phone app and dialling his best friend's number.

"Yo. It's Tyler. Don't bother leaving a message 'cause I ain't gon' listen. Just hang the fuck up."

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