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songs appear throughout the chapter.

"As if I'm really gon' do this right now," Tyler groaned as he and Rakim pulled up to the party.

"Just think of it as a favor, man," Rakim said, grinning as they walked in the direction of the house.

Onika Maraj, or more known as her moniker "Nicki Minaj" to everyone in her area, lived in a pretty big house. She did a lot of rapping on the side and made a good amount of money for it. From the release of her debut mixtape, she was propelled to local fame within her city. Locals around her knew about her and her music, as she got a decent amount of sales and streams from it.

"Well you owe me one," Tyler retorted. Rakim looked at him with a smile once they approached the door and knocked.

"For real though...you look good, Ty," Rakim confessed while they waited for Nicki to open the door. And he didn't lie. Tyler was planning on coming in his usual, strange styles that he was known for, but Rakim had made sure that he didn't come in his usual attire and wore something different instead ("You gotta try sumn different every once in a while!"). He wore dark, black pants which hugged his legs perfectly, not a single crease in sight, and a white button up shirt which hung loosely on his frame.

He looked fine as fuck, Rakim thought absentmindedly.

Wait, what?

He mentally slapped himself at the thought, realising how odd it was to think like that of his best friend, let alone a guy.

Tyler felt a surge of blood flow rush to his cheeks and was so damn grateful that his dark complexion hid any possible blush. His compliment made him feel warm and tingly on the inside, like a cookie settling into his stomach that had only just come out of the oven, and his grin sent shivers down his spine, all at the same time. When he stared at him like that, Rakim made Tyler feel wanted. Special. Attractive.

"You know what...you don't look so bad yourself too, Rocky," Tyler muttered to him, as the blood continued to warm his cheeks and his knees felt slightly weak.

Stop it. He doesn't love you. He was just being honest and complimenting you.

Rakim opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the door opening. Onika Maraj's frame stood in the doorway as she welcomed them in. She had dark brown bangs and wore big hoop earrings.
She sported a deep red and black checkered flannel shirt that was tucked into light denim short-cut jeans.

"Rakim! Nice to see you! And you brought Tyler....come in," she greeted, allowing them in.

Tyler was only amused as she spoke of him in a distasteful manner. Normally he would've said something, as it was clear to him that Nicki didn't want him to be here, and if anything Tyler himself didn't want to be here either, but he would do anything for Rakim.

Maybe Rakim knew that and he was taking advantage of him.

Rakim gave him a knowing smile and silently thanked Tyler for not making a scene, and Tyler simply nodded in return.

They walked in and immediately they noticed people scattered all over the dark, dimly lit house, whether they were dancing, drinking, or just talking on the side. Nicki's popular Itty Bitty Piggy blasted through the speakers, a song that everyone there was familiar with. While the pair walked through, Rakim noticed some of his friends at the bar.

"Go find someone, T. I'ma get a drink," Rakim suggested, knowing that Tyler wasn't a big fan of his friends. Not to mention that if he wanted to talk to them about Rihanna, they'd completely support him. Rakim knew that his best friend didn't support his minor infatuation with Rihanna. Maybe he was jealous that Rihanna would replace him if she became his girlfriend...

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