Childhood Memories and Great Day

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 It all started on a beautiful sunny day with the birds singing and the warmth of the sun rising over the horizon with Fleegle as a kid opening his eyes to the sweet sight of his bedroom.

Kid Fleegle:(yawns) What a beautiful way to start the day. Hehe, try to say that five times fast. Time to wake everyone for the morning meeting.

Fleegle quietly sneaks in Bingo and Snorky's room and brought out two cymbals and got ready to bag them together.

Kid Fleegle: (bangs cymbals) Wake up Bingo and wake up Snork. We've got a great day to spend time on our new friends.

Kid Bingo: AHHHHHHHH!!!! Fleegle, are you out of mind? My ears are ringing.

Kid Snorky: (Honks whiningly)

Kid Bingo: What's the big idea mutt-face and do you want a punch in your flea-infested nose of yours?

Kid Fleegle: I'm sorry guys. Just needed to wake up because you're going to be late for the morning meeting.

Kid Snorky: (Honks affirmatively)

Kid Fleegle: That's the spirit Snorko. Now Bingo, you go make breakfast and Snorky, wake up our new friends but do it carefully ok?

Kid Bingo: On it like a bonnet Boss Dog.

Kid Fleegle: And I'll go wake up Drooper.

Snorky goes to Amy's room and see her sleeping in her giant fish tank.

Kid Amy: (snoring loudly)

Snorky honks to wake his fishy friend up.

Kid Amy: (wakes up) Hi Snorky and how are you doing today?

Fleegle goes into Drooper's room and tried to wake him but nothing worked. And so as a last resort, he bit down on Drooper's tail and it worked.

Kid Drooper:YOOUUUUCHHHHIEEE WAWA!!!! My tail! My sweet, long and sleek tail!

Kid Fleegle: Sorry I had to cause you were sleeping like a bear and that's saying something cause you're a lion.

Drooper: It's all right but please don't do that again.

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