Sniffer's Evil Plot

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Sniffer Pitbull: So that mangy beagle got something good, eh?

Vera Vulture : What shall we do boss? It's bad enough that they're famous  and we don't need them to get better of us.

Tyrone Tiger: That Drooper thinks he's great because he's king of the jungle. Ugh!

Spot and Dot Hyena: That's a stereotype cause lions live in the savanna like us.

Tyrone: Nobody asked for an essay, Spotty.

Sniffer: ALL OF YOU QUIET!!! I'm devising a plan to get rid of those Splits once and for all!

Vera Vulture: We could sabotage their vacation and lure them into a trap.

Tyrone: Yeah but we can't get them all so we got to divide them so we pick them apart.

Sniffer: And when Fleegle is alone, WE STRIKE!!! (evil laugh)

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