Chapter 2

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Okay, so a few updates before I begin! I changed Abbey's bff's name from Lelia to Kaylie, because the name Lelia reminds me of my friend who is such a Directionator. So is my friend Kalie (yes I purposely changed the spelling) but she has more of the personality of what I'm going for for this character, and I am closer friends with her so it will be easier to write about. Secondly, they don't live in New Jersey like I was planning on having them from, because I live nowhere near there so I figured I would write about a place I know a bit more about xD So they live in Winona, Minnesota. No, I don't live there, but I have a friend who does and travel there a lot. Sorry for wasting your lives with this really long blah, so enjoy the next part!

Abbey's POV

Never mind I'll find...someone like you. I wish nothing but the best...for youuuuu toooooo, don't forget me...I beg...I'll remember you said...sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead...sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts inst-

I slammed my alarm to shut it off, and rolled over. Why did I have my alarm set anyway? It was July, for Pete's sake! Rolling over, I tried to shrug it off and go back to sleep.

Then I remembered.

I shot out of bed like a girl who was going to a One Direction concert that day, and...hey, wait, that was me! I raced into the bathroom and threw my robe on the floor. I glanced at my phone sitting on the counter: 10:37 am. Kaylie would be here in less than an hour!

I took the fastest shower known to teenage girl and quickly brushed my teeth, not even bothering with makeup. I was scrambling at this point, throwing things into the backpack I had partially packed the night before. Makeup, tampons, toothbrush, shampoo, hair brush...ugh, what was I forgetting!? I scoured my entire bedroom and bathroom until I found what I was sure was evading me. My new nail polish! 

I didn't even care that much if I didn't have polish on, since I hardly ever did anyway, but Kaylie was a miracle-worker when it came to beauty, and she could make the dullest face, the drabbest hair, or the most uneven nails look absolutely gorgeous. I couldn't pass on the opportunity.

I checked my phone again. 11:14. I had roughly 15 minutes before Kaylie was picking me up. I pulled on a sports bra and some underwear before tearing through my closet to find something presentable. I decided on an Aeropostle shirt I got in 9th grade and some jean shorts. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and grabbed my backpack just as Kaylie pulled into my driveway.

After a quick goodbye-I-love-you-yes-I'll-call-no-mom-I-don't-plan-on-getting-killed, I threw my stuff in the back seat of Kaylie's pearly-blue Toyota Camry and climbed in the front. I had forgotten we had another stop until she took a detour into a familiar neighborhood. I opened my mouth to ask but she burst out laughing.

"Abbey are you SERIOUS? We're picking up Owen, remember?" My heart leapt. I blushed, realizing that I had, indeed, forgotten. That's when I saw my handsome boyfriend step out the door with a backpack slung over one shoulder. As he stepped closer I could make out his piercing blue eyes, which stood out against his tanned skin and honey-blond hair. It sent chills down my spine. 

He crawled into the back seat of the car and set his backpack down next to mine. There was a long moment when we just sat in the car in Owen's driveway, before he broke the silence.

"Next stop, Minneapolis!" Kaylie and I burst out laughing as she pulled into the street and out of the neighborhood.

The drive was pretty unexciting; Owen was asleep most of the time, and Kaylie was quietly singing under her breath. She was amazing. I was trying to convince her to try out for The X-Factor, that talented child...

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