Bakugo to Kirishima

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TW: Mention of bad wounds and physical violence towards y/n

Y/n uses she/they pronouns in this as well

"Be good to her"

Genre: angst
Words: 1376
Pov: bakugo pov
Written by: S

I tried hiding the tears from the people in the room but I couldn't. It made me so pissed that me, Bakugo Katsuki couldn't hold back tears over some girl.

Love had never really been my thing until I met them. They were so perfect.. their smile, their general presence.. even their scent just made me swoon.

I wipes more tears away as more doctors pushed me away from the door rushing to get inside the room. Although they pushed rather hard, I was too numb to feel anything.

Kirishima was there with me when the incident happened. All he was trying to do was break it up but the situation just got worse.

Y/n had broken up with me for some ridiculous reason. I understand that I have issues with controlling my anger.. but she always said she'd stay with me and help me out with them.

Too late for that.

Flashback of what happened started flooding my head again. Punching. Yelling. Crying. Sirens and flashing lights, it all happened so fast.

I'll never be able to forgive myself for this. I have no excuses. I'm a complete and utter failure in love.

A few hours past and they woke up. Woke up barely remembering what happened, burn marks all over them, bruises starting to form on her body.

Kirishima was with them, telling them what happened and explaining everything. She looked sad while listening.

Tears still rolled down my cheeks but I just brushed it off, not really noticing them after crying for a while.

More flash backs..

"Kirishima loves me!!! Like really loves me katsuki!!" Y/n shouted for the second time. This didn't sit well with me.. knowing she was leaving me for that bastard who I thought was my friend.

So furious and so angry my hands did something I will regret for the rest of my life. They lifted up and hit the love of my life.

Her cheek turned red. "You bastard!!!!" She screamed, tears streaming down her face like waterfalls. "You asshole!! I-I hate you!! I hate you so m-much katsuki!!" She stuttered clutching her red cheek.

"Good!! I never loved you anyway, go run off to your new boyfriend." I stated with so much rage I could punch through a million walls. "F-fine!! I will, he loves me more anyway" she coughed, not being able to breathe.

All of the sudden Kirishima rushed in, immediately he was hugging y/n inspecting what I had done to her cheek. "Bakugo you have to stop!!!" Kirishima shouted.

"Why should I? That whore behind you cheated and disrespected me!!" I screamed, pops starting to explode off my hands. "She didn't cheat man, she broke up with you and came to me!! Why can't you see that?!" Kirishima yelled.

"No. She cheated, I saw the texts and the flirting!! People who are in relationships don't flirt with other guys!!" I yelled, ready to explode on the both of them.

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