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06 | Temptation

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06 | Temptation

Everything felt perfect. Like nothing could make anything sad, or upsetting. Kya felt giddy as she woke up, cosily tucked in bed. Gale fast asleep beside her, though Lucy was missing from the bed. Kya had just assumed the young Pevensie girl woke up a bit earlier than them.

Kya stepped out of the bed, away from the soft covers that before were wrapped around her. She felt as if she was floating as she walked over to the mirror, looking at the reflection of herself.

Her blonde hair fell past her shoulders delicately, her cheeks tinted a light flustered shade of pink. Her lips were slightly swollen, and she immediately knew why once she noticed. Her eyes holding a bright sparkle in them, Kya's heart elating at the memories of the previous night.

She still felt his soft touches, the caresses. The passionate kisses placed on her lips and down her neck and jaw.

Her fingers trailed up to a dark spot starting to form right above her collar bone. Kya's eyes widened slightly once she realised what it was. A quiet giggle escaped her plump lips "Caspian." The name smoothly rolled off of her tongue.

She almost forgot what her voice sounded like, that she now had the ability to talk. Kya had been too caught up in the moment with Caspian, she completely forgot about what happened.

She quickly changed out of her night attire. Her ankle felt better, it was healed completely. Kya removed the bandage around her ankle, it was completely fine. Kya soon took notice of the missing bruise and scratches on her hand made her gasp.

They were all still there yesterday, but how they magically disappeared overnight was beyond her knowledge.

Tying her hair back and out of her face, Kya soon exited the bedroom. She knew she had to see Edmund and Lucy, to tell them about her being able to talk now, but it was as if her body wasn't thinking the same thing.

Kya's feet carried her over to the map room, hoping to find a special king inside. She peaked her head in through the doorway, and there he stood. Her heart fluttered at the sight of him.

Kya opened the door slowly, the creaking of it catching Caspian's attention. He looked up, his gaze softening at the sight of her. "Good morning." Kya smiled, taking a step into the room.

"Morning." grinned Caspian, walking towards her. "How was your sleep?"

"Fine." she muttered in response, looking up at him as he moved closer. "Yours?"

"Good, good - quite good." Kya giggled at his slight stuttering response. "So, I feel like we should talk about last night." Caspian reached his hand up to cup her cheek softly.

"Why?" Her eyebrows furrowed. "I think a lot was cleared up already."

Caspian chuckled, his thumb caressing her cheek, before going to run across her lips. "I just mean that we should talk about the events that took place."

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