Highly Amused

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Aggie: You can do it solo

Queen Poppy and King Branch: But then you'd be all by yourself

King Trollex: So it'd be more fun to share this one with someone else!

King Quincy and Queen Essence: Together we will soar across the sky and beyond!

Delta Dawn: So turn up your voice!

Queen Barb: Stand up and sing along!

All Normal Trolls and Magic Musical Trolls: All different voices, our melody's ringin'
We're living in harmony! Yeah, we're livin' in harmony!
Our song is much stronger with every Troll singin'

We're livin' in harmony!


When Aggie and her friends visited the Mondejar household for Aggie's training of earth magic. At the backyard, the Normal Trolls were watching Aggie training earth magic with her Aunt Anunciacion.

Aggie was now forcing a part of an earth column to break apart, splitting them into 2.

"Hmm, nahwt awful bad faw y'all's ferst try, Aggie," Anunciacion said, "But ay think y'all nee some improvement faw y'all's earth magik," she pulled out a red handkerchief, and wrapped it around Aggie's eyes.

"But how ken ay trayn with this here blindfold?" the rainbow-colored Magic Musical Troll asked.

"Ya can't perfawm earth magik by a-seein' things. Magik Country Trolls often done used earth as our weapon, power, ayn' defense. If we can't use earth in any way, then what's the use ov that there, right?"

"What does that there mean?" Holly questioned.

"It means y'all have ta feel the vibrashun av what were a-happenin' when someone aw something steps on earth," the Magic Country Troll explained, then told her niece, "Now, Aggie, try ta feel earth with our hoof... ayn' foot."

Aggie lightly rubbed her Funk foot first before rubbing her hoof on the ground to feel, but she felt nothing, "Ay don't feel anything."

"Try harduurr. Ayn' when y'all feel something, try ta emerge an earth column if y'all must," her aunt advised.

Aggie calmed herself, and breathed normally. When she rubbed her hoof, she began to pick up on vibrations that, at first, startled her, before she began to nestle into it, realizing it's part of the skill. Aggie focused on the vibrations flowing through her body as her mind began to allow her to see the vibrations in the ground. to everyone else, the ground was... just the ground, but to Aggie, she saw that every time she moved her hoof, white vibrations were sent into the ground, acting like a sonar ray, allowing her to sense what was around her, and see things without needing to use her eyes. she could sense what was standing or approaching her, the Trolls around her, and even something that was coming her way.

When she sensed two figures in front and behind her, Aggie stomped her hoof, emerging an earth column from the ground.

Surprisingly, with no one knowing where she emerged the column, it emerged under Synth, and launched him in the air, "Aaaaahhhh!" he screamed.

Hearing a scream, Aggie realized she launched someone with her earth power as she removed blind fold, and asked her friends, "Did I do it? Who did I hit?"

Trollstopia Season 2: Harmonious LandWhere stories live. Discover now