Harmonious Land part 2

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*Many months ago, the day after Aggie ran away*

In Harmonious Land, 5 adult Magic Musical Trolls prepared breakfast for the day. 2 of them are Magic Classical, one Magic Country, one Magic Pop, and on Magic Disco

"Alright, everyone! Breakfast!" the female Magic Disco Troll called.

Upstairs were 8 Magic Musical Trolls rushing down stairs for breakfast. 4 of them are married, and one is a toddler. The whole family sat down on the dining table.

The oldest Magic Classical Troll scooped up scrambled eggs from the bowl to her plate, then passed it to her younger sister, who was a Magic Country Troll, "Pass it."

The Magic Country sister took some scrambled eggs before passing it to her second oldest sister, who was also a Magic Classical, "Pass it."

The second oldest Magic Classical sister took some eggs before passing it to her Magic Disco sister, "Pass it."

The Magic Disco sister passed the eggs to her husband after getting her eggs, "Pass it."

"Pass it," the Magic Disco husband passed the eggs to his Magic Techno brother-in-law.

The Magic Techno brother than passed the eggs to his older Magic Pop sister with saying. He didn't speak much, but he can gesture.

The Magic Pop sister then passed it to her Magic Funk daughter after getting her eggs, "Pass it."

"Pass it." the Magic Funk Troll then passed the eggs to her Pop cousin.

"Pass it," the Magic Pop Troll passed the eggs to her older Magic Pop sister.

"Pass it," the younger older Magic Pop sister took some eggs before passing to her Magic techno husband.

"Pass it," The Magic Techno husband passed the eggs to his Magic Pop cousin-in-law

"Pass it," the Magic Pop Troll passed the eggs to her younger Magic Jazz sister.

"Pass it," the Magic Jazz Troll passed the eggs to her Magic Reggaeton husband.

"Pass it," the Magic Reggaeton Troll passed the eggs to his toddler Magic Techno son.

"Here you go, Aunt Aggie," the younger Magic Techno was about to pass the eggs to Aggie, but noticed her chair next to him was empty. This stopped the younger Magic Techno Troll before passing the eggs back to his father. "Aunt Aggie's not here."

The passing was now reversed.

"Aggie's not here."

"Aggie's not here."

"Aggie's not here."

"Aggie's not here."

"Aggie's not here."

"Aggie's not here."

"Aggie's not here."

"Aggie's not here."

"Aggie's not here."

"Aggie's not here."

"Aggie's not here."

"Aggie's nahwt here."

When the oldest Magic Classical sister took the bowl of eggs, she was alerted of what her Magic Country sister just said, "What?!"

The Magic Country Troll chuckled before shouting, realizing her youngest niece was missing, "AGATHA!" She then fainted, making her family concerned of her.


*Present day*

Trollstopia Season 2: Harmonious LandWhere stories live. Discover now