Chapter 1- The new neighbor

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"Alex, we are going over to the new neighbors house."


We leave the house and head over to the house. I knock on the door and a three year old opens the door.


"Jeaus, Chole its just the neighbors." Then a girl that looks my age comes to the door.

"Sorry about that my sister dosent do well with new people, my name is Ruby." Shes beatiful.

"Hi im Lisa and this is my son Alex."my mom says.

"Nice to meet you, do you want to come in?"she asks.

"We would love to."

When we enter the house its walls are painted baby blue, and the living room has a white U shaped couch and a flat screen TV infront of it.

"Hi, my name is Grace you must be the neighbors."

"Hey, mom is it okay if I go over to Mira's house?" I hear Ruby yell.

"Yeah, but I need you to give a tour to alex first."

"Okay, come on alex." Then I head upstairs with her.

"This is choles room." She opens a door that has pink all over.

"Wow, she likes pink."

"I know it looks like a fairy threw up all over the place." I laugh and follow her into her room. I expdcted pink or something girly but I was wrong.

"This is my room." Her walls are painted mint green, she has a king sized bed. She has a dresser with pictures of her a boy , and a girl.
She has a white carpet, nd her walls are cvered with Fall out boy, 5 seconds of summer, and green day posters. She has good taste in music except for the 5 seconds of summer.

"So this is your room." I say.

"Yeah, I don't want to sound rude but I kinda have to go, or you could come with me?" She asks.

"It would be though honor." I say with a fake british accent. She laughs and I can see her dimples.

"Okay, well come on dipshit."she says.

"Is that my nickname?"

"Yep"she says popping the p.

We pull up into a Mcfagget (a/n I just made up this name for fun).

"So are you going to buy me a milmshake?" She asks.

"You wish." I say.

"So, this friend of yours is she nice?" I ask.

"You can say that." She says.

We walk in and sit on the table with the tall chairs. A minute later a girl, come running towards us.

" I'm so glad you moved back here."she says.

"Me too." Ruby says.

"Hey umm why is Alex here?"she asks.

"You know him?" Ruby asks.

"Everybody knows him, he's the schools bad boy." She says.

"Yeah your friend is right I get into alot of trouble." I say.

"Me too, what kind of trouble do you get in?" Ruby asks me.

"Oh you know the usual, you?" I ask.

"Fights, Vandalism, more fights, and little street racing." She says.

"Okay you two as much as I love seing you guys firlting Im pretty sure one of you are supposed get food."she says.

"I'll get it." Then ruby gets up.

"You better not get her into anymore trouble then she is already in." She says.

"What kind of trouble is she in?" Man this girl is badass.

"I cant tell you but , its the whole reason she moved." She says.

What ever she did must have been bad if she had to move. Maybe she killed somebody, no she doesnt seem like that type of girl. Maybe she is a drug dealer, or she is in a gang. I kept on wondering what she could have done.

"Hey guys, I umm didn't know which flavor you wanted so I just got what I thought you would like." Ruby says.

"Did you get vanilla?" I ask.

"Yeah." She says.

We talk for a long time but I kept thinking about what she could've done. I didnt know weather or not to ask her. I decided not to ask her...yet.

"Hey Alex do tyou want me to drop you off?"Ruby asks.

"Yeah, thanks."I say.

"No problem."

When we went to the car and, she starts it. I turn the radio on and counting stars come on. I try to change it but, she smacks my hand out of the way.

"I love this song." Then she sarts singing to the song.

"You sing good." She blushes.


"Hey, Ruby Mira mentioned you getting into alot of trouble so you had to move. I was just wondering what you did."

"I umm I beat up a gang leader but I didnt know that he was in a gang so know they're after me 'cause they want me to join their gang." She shrugs.

"How are you so calm?"I ask.

" 'cause life always ends at some point why not know." She says.

"Well I still dont understand how your not freaking out."I say with a sigh.

"Why do you care so much anyway?" I hear her ask.

"Cause you remind me of somebody I lost." I say queitly.

"I'm sorry was she your girlfriend? " how in the hell did she know.

"How did you know?"I ask.

"By the way you got quite I assumed..."

I didnt answer I just nodded. I rembered how much I loved her. I still love her I just moved on. She was alot like Ruby except she has blonde hair and blue eyes but, she had her personality. She just dint do all the stuff that she does. Ruby is something else she is... there isn't even anyword that could describe her personality. I mean that in a good way to.

"Hey Alex, we're here."

"Thanks for inviting me."

"No, problem."

That night I fell asleep thinking about what she told me and how she was fine with the risk of being envolved with a gang. I thought about how she doesnt seem to need protection, but i'll protect her no matter what she says.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2015 ⏰

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