Cat/Neko AU (Timeline/Origin Story)

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TW: Bully1ng, V!ol3nce, mention of sc^rs, implication of s3lling your b0dy for mon3y

(Also, for that last topic, I don't know much about it and I may have put it in a worse light than it actually is? As a minor on the asexual spectrum, most of anything revolving that sorta stuff is very awkward for me, so I don't have that much knowledge on it and I can't bring myself to research it for reasons stated above. Hopefully that's okay?)

Type: Timeline/Origin Story (Very long :) )

Quirk Summary: Izuku has black cat ears/tail, and often uses common cat behaviors (such as tail/ear signals or slow blinking to show trust). When Izuku feels threatened, stressed and/or angry, his fingers will extend into claws (dunno how to describe it, but work with me here).


Izuku got his quirk around the age of four, as expected. People's reactions to it were... mixed. Some thought it was cute, others thought it was useless. Some people pitied him because he still wanted to be a hero. At the time, everyone (including Izuku himself) thought it was just your standard physical quirk: Cat ears, a tail, and some cat mannerisms, without the claws. Some of his classmates told him how they thought his quirk was kinda useless, because four-year-olds are stupidly blunt, but Izuku didn't care. He wanted to help people in any way he could, no matter what his quirk was.

 The teasing only got worse as the years went by. Izuku became quieter and more withdrawn, caring more about what his classmates thought of him. The insults and comments behind his back turned to getting pushed, punched and kicked. Izuku tried to talk with the teachers, but none of them believed him. His bullies were well-mannered to teachers and got good grades, so the teachers assumed that Izuku was framing them out of jealousy or hatred. His reputation at school only worsened after this. Bullies would get away with more stuff. Teachers either avoided Izuku or kept a close eye on him as if he was one of the troublemakers, and refused to believe his stories, even going as far as telling his mother about how often he was trying to portray model students in a bad light, such as Bakugou or [Insert NPC name here]. 

Inko still loved her son, but her smiles became smaller and she started to worry more and more about Izuku. She shared her worries with Mitsuki, saying how she thought Izuku might be turning down a bad path- he was lying about his friends and other students, started to act more quiet and angry, barley talked with Inko, and seemed to even be avoiding the Bakugous- especially Katsuki. Mitsuki calmed her down, saying it was probably just a phase. Izuku was going to finish junior high in a year- Inko couldn't expect him to stay the happy, innocent boy he was as a child forever.

Then it happened. It was in his final year of junior high. Izuku was being tormented after school as usual, this time by three people who weren't even in his class: two of which were mainly just lackeys, and didn't do much except smile like idiots, but the third person was a girl that was one of Izuku's worst bullies. She could rival Bakugou- The only difference was that Bakugou usually just repeated insults and mainly focused on physical abuse. The girl was somehow able to see every corner of Izuku's mind, and knew just what to say for it to hurt. It was like she had a second quirk (her actual quirk was to slightly alter her appearance, such as hair and eye color- she used it to either catfish boys or make herself look weak and innocent so she didn't get in trouble)

The girl cornered him into a wall, spewing out insults like the phone-call for Rachel. Then she started making some not-so-good comments about how Izuku probably did some stuff in order to pay the bills.

Long story short, Izuku snapped.

This was the first time he truly felt angry- sure, he had his moments, but he usually managed to repress it. Now, all of the anger he had buried down with smiles over the years boiled over. This was the first time Izuku ever used his claws. Running purely on intinct, he swiped at her face, just barley missing her eye. He ended up leaving a long scar right under one eye (kinda like Aizawa's), and naturally got into a lot of trouble, getting off easy with a week's suspension.

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