the scroll

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Looks: invisible cape, hair similar to mek's hair. Long baggy pants. He has a staff that he is skilled with. He has a compass attached to a chain which wrapped around his waist

Eliyen pov

I was looking through books, trying to find some that would interest albyn and the others, when a roll of paper fell from one of the books I had dropped. I picked up the scroll and looked back at the book. I put the book back and unrolled the paper. It was written in some language I didn't know, but I know who probably did. Meish, an old friend of mine, who loved being in the vault knows just about any language.

Hey meish, can you help me translate this?", I said, putting the paper infrot of him. He smoothed his hair and grabbed the paper. "I'll see what I can do... Hmm, it dosent look like any language I know well, but there are some familiar words. It says something about summoning, and curing, and then it says 'one of a kind', as well as something about a cape and a candle.", he said. "It also mentions eden, and igon's name. Where did you even find this?", he asked. "I found it after I dropped a book. But any way, thank you!", I said, taking the scroll back, and running of. "I hope she knows what she's doing.", meish said, shaking his head.

I need to go back home. I peiced it together, it's about summoning igon. Why would this be in the vault though? And what about the curing part? It mentioned a cape...
'Wait, I'm the only child with a black cape! Maybe I can cure eden, and igon! I knew there was something pulling me to that statue.', I thought, 'I'm pretty sure a saw the shrine right under the statue.'. I wandered off, lost in thought.

I ran into my brother's room, "xile, meet me and getha at the ship wreck tomorrow at sun up!", I yelled, running to my own room.

I faceplanted onto my bed, ready for a good night's sleep.

I awoke in my bed, it was dark out. Suddenly, a shine at the left of my vision. It was a child, made completely of light. They held out their hand, and I took it. They flew us out of the window. We flew high into the sky, to where we could touch the stars. We landed on seemingly nothing. "We will guide you to the greater light, to save them and to turn him back, the odd one out will rise to his stone body, light the candles, and cure them once and for all. please free us prophet of alef and igon.", the light said.

I jolted awake suddenly, 'was that real?', I thought. Luckily It was before sun up, so I had enough time to go to the shipwreck. I'm going to have to explain this all to them. We will need a plan.

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