the battle starts

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Eliyen pov

Today was it. Today was the day. We marched to the shipwreck. I was confident that we would make it through this.

We mounted albyn, one by one, until it was meish's turn. He was very reluctant to even touch albyn. "C'mon, he won't bite you!", I said, giggling. Meish hopped on albyn's back.we flew over the obstacles that we had been through our first time in eden. Meish, who was new to the experience was practically shaking. "Meish, are you okay?", getha asked. "W-why wouldn't I b-be okay?", he said shakily. Getha hugged him. "Its okay, you don't have to be scared, I wont let you fall!", getha said, smiling, as meish blushed.

Albyn swooped down and dropped us at the entrance to the hallway. "Are you all sure that you want to do this?", I asked. "We've all ready got here, there is no turning back now.", xile said. We entered our certain demise, 'there truely is, no turning back now'

As we approached the statue, someone approached us. "We meet again, my old friends~.", he said. "Thond..?", I muttered. "Correct, I will not let you disrupt our darkness.", he said. He charged towards me, and xile jumped between us, with his spear. "Go on! I'll hold him back!", xile said. I ran past him and sat on my knees at the shrine, catching my breath. I tried lighting the black candles, but the kept getting put out immediately. I was confused. The ground shook, and the sudden loud sound of footsteps broke my train of thought. 'The elders...', we thought. "STOP THIS AT ONCE!", teth yelled, her voice shaking the ground more. My head began to hurt, all the noises. I saw xile and thond fighting, meish and getha holding back the elders the best they can. Suddenly I could only her ringing, and my own heartbeat. Suddenly, the same voice, the one that came to me in my dream. It said, "The candles are one of a kind, just like their flames.", 'one of a kind, like their flames..?', I thought. Suddenly, I saw the image of red crystals and rocks. I immediately grabbed the two items and clashed them together over the candles, lighting each and every one.

Third person pov

The stone body began to crack, peices crumbling and falling off. It emitted a loud droning sound, as it freed itself from it's stone prison, the elders looked on in terror. It's light ignited, a brilliant red glow. It looked down upon eliyen. She got down on one knee, and offered it a candle. The candle began to float into the sky, igon's head constantly staring at it. The candle burst into smaller peices of light, shooting to the sky. The large creature spearhead its massive wings, and took off, the small child of alef following it. They flew up, above the clouds. As the light particles stopped, the light surrounded igon. His scales began to crack, light emitting light from each crack. Suddenly, he was now a whit golden color. The tentacle-like appendages now brilliant white and gold feathers. It's wings were now feathery, and his tail was the same.
It expelled a beam of light, which speed to every inch of the land of sky.

'We did it.'

'We cured eden.'

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