jethro - jacket

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Summary: You and Jethro are cold.



It was cloudy and windy today.

You and Jethro were in the tower with Hoppo and Maxi.

There were two swimmer that need help.

Me and Maxi ran towards the swimmer and you brought them back to shore.

The water was really cold and when you came back your freezing.

You got back to the tower shaking, you had left your jacket at your apartment.


My girlfriend Y/N got in the tower and she was shaking, she only had her blue shirt with her but she was still going to be cold.

I was standing up against the railing when she walked up the starts wrapped around herself.

"Hey baby." I called.
"Come here." I said opening my jacket so she could get in and we both were in it.


I wrapped my arms around Jethro's waist and rested my head on his chest, he wrapped his arms around you and kissed the top of your head.

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