Chaper 1- The Start....

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I had arrived home expecting to see a big ass VR capsule on my porch because I had pre-ordered a game called "Perfect World" and me playing the game is going to test if it's perfect or not. Im not the best gamer in the world and I don't want to be because that will cause too much attention and that's annoying but if I was to put myself out there I would be comparable to the top 15 I'm pretty sure.

Walking inside my house I yell to let my parents know im home "I'm back home!" I started looking around the house "they said the capsule was going to be here when I came back from school so where is it". I started heading upstairs  to my room because that's most likely where my dad put it. I opened the door and saw the vr capsule right next to my bed  'Just thinking about playing is making me kinda excited'. Because there is no one home I might as well play it right now then.

After changing into my pajamas I opened up the capsule and got inside 'damn this is pretty comfortable I could just start sleeping in here instead of my bed... hm no that would probably cause some back pain'.


So is there some kind of headset to start this thing or no? Did this not come with any kind of instructions on how to start this or do I just lay in here with nothing but darkne- oh never mind. It turns out there was a fat ass button above me that said "push to start" so I did exactly that and  suddenly I started feeling tired and everything went black.


I opened  my eyes to see a big muscular guy standing there looking at me while I was sitting down. I reached out my hand for a handshake and said "nice to meet you sir". The man was still looking at me so while I was waiting for the man to shake my hand I looked around. There was books almost everywhere and there were people walking around and talking which I'm guessing are NPC. I was still looking around but  'why is he not shaking my hand yet?' I turned to look back at the man and saw a customization screen.

Now I don't remember this being a option. As I'm looking at the customization options it seemed to be rather detailed "wait is this screen the reason why that man is annoying simply because I'm kinda like a ghost right now?".

<Half an hour later>

I have finally finished customizing my character well me actually....but basically all I changed was my hair which I made 3 inches longer because my hair was already kind of long snd the other things I changed was my eyes. I made my right eye completely black no pupils or anything and my left eye the pupils were purple and the irises were black and the reason I made my eye colors  so weird is because my hair covers my eyes and whoever sees them would be freaked out and I thought it would be kinda funny and I added dark circles under my eyes as well. The rest that I did was just making my body more toned and added a hand tattoo of a burning rose and a tattoo of a sword with a dark aura surrounding it on my middle. I had more tattoos but it was time to move on.

It was now time for what I've been waiting on more than anything and that was creating my two skills and pick a class. First I was going to choose a class.

(Classes available)
<Martial artist>
    <*more coming soon*>

This is hard to choose from kind of. But if you think about it a martial artist are very versatile so I think that will be the best option for me right now I think.

[ For pre ordering the game once you choose a class you get a free skill depending on what class you picked!]
[ You have gained the a very flexible skill<Black Rose Petal Martial Arts>]

How generous of the game developers all I have to do is level up that skill and what a coincidence that my hand tattoo is also a rose. But I still need to make my skills *sigh* this is going to take a while.

(2 hours later)

(This skill allows the user to cut whatever in front of him thats within 2 meters (the range can grow when leveled up)

(this skill allows the user to increase his physical abilities by doubling their stats)

I'm finally done preparing everything time to finally experience this so called "Perfect World".

[ Would you like to start the game?]


[ Sorry you can't start the game without picking a race or creating a name!]

"are you....*sigh* show the the races"

( Races available)
<Dark elf>
<Half elf>
<Half orc>
   <*more coming soon*>

If I'm going to be a martial artist I'll have to have a lot skills which means I'll need a lot of mana so I'll just pick half elf. To be honest I wanted to pick demon but it wouldn't really benefit me that much.

[Please create a name]

"Virgil. That would be my name".

[ Would you like to start the game?]

You know how long it took to to come up with that name and how cool I tried to sound  and even went back to character customization to make my voice sound raspy and thats all you gotta say?... anyway "yes I'm ready to start".

[ You will now be sent to the Stone Village]

well after about 3 hours I'm finally able to play.

- Location- Stone Village

I opened my eyes  and see a stone gate with two guards guarding it and looking through the gate I could see a people and building...a lot of buildings at that. 'this village seems to be doing quite well I guess and from the way they look there seems to be a entrance fee'. But before I walk over there I need to check something "status".

[Level- 1
Name- Virgil
Mana- 200/200
Strength- 7
Agility- 10
Endurance- 6
Skills- <Split> <Enhance> <Black Rose Petal Martial Arts>
Inventory- Money bag]

Alright that's fine but I'm kinda weak but that could change later on I just need to get inside this village. Everything I was wearing was casual well kinda I was wearing all black with a scarf but that's besides the point because I had no weapons or anything I didn't look anywhere near threatening unless you see my eyes that is. I arrived in front of the gate in looked at the guard on the left well to them i just turned my head to the left.

"Excuse me sir I would like to enter the village" when I spoke I was surprised because my voiced sounded raspy- dammit I forgot to change my voice back to normal what a dumbass I am.

"That'll be 10 curts and if you don't have it piss off" he said pointing his long sword at me. I looked at him for a couple seconds 'curts must be what the in game currency is called' I then put my hand inside my pocket 'money bag' the bag appeared in my hand and I reached inside to grap 10 curts which felt like dollar bills. Now that I think about it everything feels so real the wind brushing against me and even the NPC looks real everything looks and feels great. I pull my hand out and gave the guard the money.

"There you go now can I go inside?"  to the the question I asked the guard nodded and gestured for me to go inside he didn't ask for a name or nothing. But anyway the guard on the right opened the gate and I walked straight in hoping see some good thing in this village and learn a lot.

~~~To Be Continued~~~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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