3-One problem. HIM.

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I tried to block out Sloane's screeching as the light went green. She was on high power fangirl because she got to sit next to Ed at dinner. "Ahhh! Lori! This is the best day of my whole life! Was I calm enough and front of him? Oh god I hope he didn't think I was crazy😨", she said. "You looked more casual then usual I guess😒," I sighed. She was giving me a massive head ache. "REALLY?! Wow that's not normal for me considering I'm always crazy...", she said. As we pulled into the nice little car garage in front of our dorm building, I rubbed my head. I needed some tea. Bad.


I wook up to my phone ringing and I slung my arm around sloppily, over to my nightstand to pick it up. It was Harry.

"Yo." I said. "Gurt." He said. I made a confused face and then realized what he did. "Ah I see whatcha did there.", I say sitting on the edge of my bed. He chuckles.

"So, when does spring break start for you?", he asks.

"Um," I say walking over to my calendar.

"Our last day before the break is the 15th. A Friday. Why?", I say.

"Yay! We're going to have another show that Saturday! Can you come maybe?!", he asks excitingly.

"I dunno. Where is it?,"


"What?! OH MY GOD. I've always wanted to go to Ireland! Yes yes yes!!!!"

"Yay! And we're going to see the Saint Patricks day parade in Dublin too!"



"Sloane, are you sure you don't want to come with me? It'll be so fun!", I said giving her a puppy face. She coughed. Then sneezed. Then coughed again.

"No! It's spring. Allergies season. I am NOT getting the boys sick. Don't worry! Tomorrow my parents are picking me up so I can spend the week with them." She said grabbing a tissue.

I gave her a concerned look. "Maybe I should just miss the show tomorrow and stay here with you till your parents pick you up tomorrow. I can just go to the parade with the boys." I say. "No! Go! Love you! Bye! Have a good spring break as she pushes me out the door with my suitcases. "Um..bye?" I say laughing as she shuts the door. I see my cab waiting and enter it to go to the air port.

When I finally get to the gates and into my seat, I put on my headphones and start listening to my playlist.


"Lori!", I hear behind me. There's Harry and Liam, waving at me. I grab my last suitcase from the spiny thingy and walk there way. Harry puts an arm around me, and Liam smiles. "How was the flight?", Harry asks. "Good. Long," I shrug. "Well, we're all staying at the same hotel so I just got you a room for yourself. That is, unless, you'd like to share with a certain someone," he said wiggling his eye brows. I glare at him and look Liam's way. Thank god he didn't here that. "Haz, shut up before you regret me wearing spiky heals😡," I say. He smirks and shuts up.


I set down my pink and white polka-dotted suitcases and lay my back down on the huge, soft bed and look up at the ceiling. The thought hadn't hit me until Harry mentioned it. Niall. Niall was going to be in my presence for a whole 5 days that I'd be here. Awesome.

I kept telling myself, stay away from him, you can't fall in love, you just can't. And at the concert, it worked. I wasn't rude or anything I just, didn't do any flirting like he was doing. And Haz noticed yet again.

*in hotel room*

"Lori? Are you asleep?", I opened my eyes just a bit to look at the clock. It was 3:49 am. "What do you want Harry? It's 3:49 in the morning." I said groaning. "Lori, please I need to tell you something, or ask you something really. C'mon to your kitchen, I'll make you tea!" He pleaded. Tea did sound nice, but I knew he was going to teaseme about Niall so I just throw a pillow at his head. I hear a thud and I secretly smile in victory.

"That was nice.", Harry says laying the pillow back on the bed. "Go away," I groan again. "Please Lorz! Get up!" He said on his knees now. He's not going to leave me alone, so I sit up and looked at him. "What?", I say. He sits on the other side of the bed, facing me, in a criss cross leg style.

"Lori, I need you to answer this completely honest. And DO NOT get mad with me." He said. I nodded.

He gulped nervously.

"Do you...like...'like like' Niall?", he asks. I sigh and lay back down. "Good night Harry." I say pointing to the door. He walks toward the door and opens it. I hear him talking to someone outside the door. "Sorry, mate, I tried." He says before shutting the door completely.

I can feel my cheeks heating up violently😳. I roll over, facing the ceiling yet again.

Even if I tried to answer Harry, I couldn't. I knew I shouldn't do it. I should just stay friends with him and focus on school. But, there's one problem with that. It's HIM. He's so wonderful. He just, knows exactly what to say. He's handsome, and seems really sweet. "Oh Niall, why do you have to be lovely little you😓. ", I say to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2013 ⏰

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