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greyson pulls me onto his lap."baby you sure you want to be here for this?"he asks.i pout."you dont think im mature enough is that it"i say."of course not baby fine sit beside me or stay here"he says.i stay and stare as jake a lily sit next to ecahother i smirk.dan and liz sit as well alex and ryan sit ryan still chewing on the chocalate.the guy that kissed sofia runs in he was in only boxers.lilys eyes rake over him sofia walks in "baby go get dressed"she says sitting."i forgot shit next time dont distract me"he growls and she smirks as he runs out.he walks back in "shit"he says sitting."okay le--"he gets cut off."ash give is back"his mom yells as his father runs in and jumps on the table."no babe you ate my bag now i eat yours"he says as she runs in."ashton monica night give me it"she grols."monica dad your such a dork"sofia says."GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS MEETING DONT YOU SEE IM TRYING TO WORK AND YOUR DISTURBING MY DUTUES AS AN ALPHA!"greyson growsl caising me to jump."haha baby he said duties"his mom says laughing."let go eli'his dad says with a proud smile they walk out.ryan closes the door."anyway as some of you know the hunter have beens attacking more latley they have tramotized the rouge into attacking our pack when we had a safety treaty with the rouge king"he says.they all nod "as you know im feared all across the globe but im actually saving the packs from the rouges not attacking them i am the legendary black wolf and my mate the white wolf taht it why my packs wolfs are legendary colors"he says."go on'i whisper.he entwines our fingers his eyes were blue they turns red everyone gasps.excpet the one that knew meaning leo ryan alex and sofia."the moon godess has warned me about the upcoming war against the hunter and im the only one that can stop it but i need your help the humans now know of our excistance the ones that are mated to our wolfs or any super natural come to their rightful mate other will attack"he says."get out now"he says."what no"i say."I SAID GET OUT NOW!"he growls using alpha tone.i whimper getting up i slap him "tahts not how your suppose to treat you mate you are cruel and heartless"i yell and run out.

greyson pov

she slaps me "tahts not how your suppose to treat you mate you are cruel and heartless"she yells and runs out.i sign lix glares at me."theres one condition i die"i say.all their eyes widen even my sisters."how come we only hear of thus now"leo growls."teh moon godess visited me yesturday she told me that the hunters have a god on their side a god taht has turned dark the moon godess has transfered her powers to me but i die after killing him that is why i scent rosalina out"i say.sofia starts crying into leos chest.'is their another way"alex asks."no if we give them a chance theyll just attack us im to protect you all okay i wont let none of you get hurt or die because i chose not to protect you"i growl slamming my hands down on the table.and we swear to protect you all even if it puts our own kifes on the line my wolg growls.

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