Chapter: 4

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I am sitting on the plane and talking to Luna

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I am sitting on the plane and talking to Luna. "You know, Luna. I want to have a family of my own." She just looks at me. "Don't worry you are in it." She licks me. "I would love to have a daughter or a son and teach them magic."

Luna just looks at me. "You would love them too. But I can't have kids." I say as I remember going to the doctors to prepare to have a family with 'Mr.Right'. "I would be an amazing mother but it's not in the cards."

Luna tells me to look behind me. I see everyone crowded around me. "What?" I say as I wipe my tears.

"You can't have kids." Asked Henley. "No, I can't." "How?" "It's a long story." "We have all day." "Okay, When I was in Greece. I met the one for me. We were going to get married and have a family. I kept trying to give him a family. But I couldn't get pregnant no matter how hard I tried. So, I went to the doctors and found out I couldn't have kids. I told him and he ended things. It was a good thing I wasn't married yet."

"That's horrible." "I know, but he only wanted one thing from me and I couldn't give it to him." "But don't you want a family?" "Absolutely, I would love to teach my children about magic and show them stuff that I had to learn on my own."

"That's why Luna is always around you." Says Jack. "Yes, she's my baby." "But that's enough of sadness, how much longer?" "Not longer." "Good, come on Luna." I get up and go to the kitchen. I grab a drink.

"Man, Luna. I am glad I have you and those people as my family." She barks. "I love you too." I come back out and hear them talking.

"Maybe she's can have kids it's just with the wrong people. There is a certain one that will give her what she wants." Says Merritt. "You mean Jack?" Asked Danny. "Yeah. It makes sense, right?" "Actually yeah it does."

"You two talking about me." I say. "Oh no, we were talking about someone else." "Whatever. I am not into the mentalist right now."

We do the mentalist on everyone especially Arthur. We finally land and I head out. I put everything in the room and I walk out. Me and Luna walk around New Orleans.

I walk to the bench and sit there thinking. After awhile I go back and get ready.

"Where were you?" Asked Danny. "Man, I didn't know you care that much. Why am I the only one you nice to?" He glares at me. I run up to my room and lay on the bed.

I turn around and grab something. I chucked across the room. I find something else and do the same thing. Tears run down my face. Everyone runs up to my room. "Alex, is everything okay?" Asked Jack. "Go away!" I throw something else. "We are coming in!"

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