Chapter One

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Grey clouds rumbling a brontide in the distance as a man in a clean white office shirt knelt down, a polythene bag in hand with a bag of milk and a few more quotidian necessities.

Checking the time on his rusty old watch as the similar colored Dingo puppy drank some of the poured milk happily, the man let out a smile in the pleasant weather, it had been rather hot till now and the slight breeze that ran around his face, his white shirt and what not made things a bit more bearable.

Sighing with a shaky hand, he pulled up once more unable to touch the puppy, but he smiled for there was always tomorrow after all.

And thus he picked up the rest of his items and carried on with his after noon, just having came back from work with a slight smile atop his face, carried out tasks that ran deep within his moody emotions finally having made their payment that was long till due in the form of a promotion. It wasn't much, but for a man like him, he was jubilant enough to try to skip back to his ancient house, yet never tried it out.

Coughing a couple times, he felt slightly out of breath already but dearly pushed on through sorrow filled sighs, a storm was certainly passing through his neighbourhood this time, and he was already regretting not buying property insurance.

His home was old, perhaps old enough to have truly needed that renovation his long since gone family had done a couple years back before they passed, but of course not old enough to be a relic in time to be remembered as a historic site of course.

Unlocking the door's somewhat modern iron  door knob sent shivers down his spine at the frightful frigid feeling, he hadn't expected it to be that cold to the touch but he brushed it off with a smile as he entered, pushing the hard door as the winds tried to do the same as him, except against him of course.

Going by the couch in the living room, he felt like he should really get some new covers, for the ones he had pre bought were ripped apart enough to be a customarily southern style of dress, he had a feeling that the holes weren't only on his covers.

Turning on the T.V, he couldn't notice much but static that made his ears cry out in sheer agony, of course his first instinct being to wince and then turn the electronic off.

Now powered by the motivation to wait out the storm, his coughing grew just a bit more rumbly than the brontides outside.

The next morning, he had no work so what else could he do but look up at his schedule and find a pre planned outing? And of course, being the type of man he was, he had his bulky phone up to his ears in barely even a jiffy, the monotone ring going out as he yawned.

    "Miguel? What's gotten into you? Calling at seven, Couldn't even wait till eight?"

The voice chided at him slightly with a sigh, but he could feel the energy coming off from the man on the other side, he knew him since long before most people had known that flying spiders existed so it was safe to say that if he were just a minute late in his beckoning, the situation would have certainly been reversed by now.

    "How's it going? I know you're quaking in your boots right now, so let's just cut the chit chat, you ready for the reunion?"

He could feel the sly remarks coming from his friend's side any moment now. "Thought you'd never ask! Like damn, how's it been nearly a decade since I saw those other idiots?"

   "Well, time flies, Thompson, time sure does fly." He casually replied back without hesitation, he wasn't good at banter like his friend, and it affected him in his other projects aswell.

    "Well, right, but you still without a car or something, right? What's the word for it, crippled?"

Rolling his eyes, he replied back with a grin that Scot would never see due to it being a phone call, yet it never made him hesitate, "I think it's called being smart, Thompson, I'm not crazy enough like you to juggle seven to eight between three jobs to raise a family of two after all."

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