the sex demon😈

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Derek has had a long hard day at school, even though it's literally they're break. He still feels like he's done a lot today. Even though he got detention and slept through most his classes.

But today was special. Today was the day he's getting his long awaited holiday. Him and his friends have been planning a move in type of thing. They were all going to chill at derek's house for the next 2 weeks. Derek's parents were ok with this because they were going away themselves for they're anniversary and thought it'd be nice if Derek had company.

"guys I have so many things for us to do" Derek exclaimed as he looked at his friends, vallyk and mike "like?" mike asks putting his hands in his pockets and looking the light skin in his eyes.

"we can watch watch movies, dye our hair, order food with this" Derek said as he reached into his bag and pulled out an Ouija board.

"Derek oh hell no!" vallyk said as he walked behind mike and peeked over his shoulder "Derek burn that shit right now, I dont fuck with demons" mike said laughing. "ugh your all a bunch of pussies" Derek said as he rolled his eyes and placed the board back in his bag.

Derek had a small smirk on his face when he saw how scared his friends got, he then got up and began walking to his class which his friends followed on doing.

But on his way to class he saw...him...Kobe Morris. Derek's crush since forever and the schools top boy. Every girl and boy wanted Kobe and if he wanted he could get them all.

"oh hey Derek" Kobe said as he walked past Derek and his friends with his. It made Derek blush a light red color and his friends began dapping him up.

"Derek got a man!" vallyk said in a singsong tune "shut the fuck up" Derek said covering his face and walking to his next class.


Its the end of school and Derek, mike and vallyk decide to walk to derek's house. They got there and placed they're bags on the sofa and instantly went to go warm up some popcorn.

Vallyk went to sit down in the living room as mike came in with the popcorn. Derek went upstairs to get blankets, pillows, towels and more. He came down and gave mike and vallyk a pillow each and covered with the same blanket and placed another over them.

Vallyk had the remote and put on Disney+ "what should we watch?" Vallyk asked flipping through the suggestions "let's watch wandavision" Derek said munching on popcorn along with mike.

Vallyk put on the first episode and laid back as Derek and mike shuffled closer to him (he's in the middle). They watched about 3 episodes before Derek got up and went to the sofa and got to his bag. He then pulled out the ouija board, making mike and vallyk gulp.


"Derek you know damn well we ain't playing with that" mike said looking back at the tv "come on just once?" Derek pleaded "no" vallyk said throwing popcorn at him.

Derek pouted and forced a tear out which made mike and vallyk feel bad "ugh fine bruh" mike said rolling his eyes as Derek's face lit up and he moved closer. They set it out and layed it on a small coffee table they found.

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