Little bean

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3 days later.

They got home about a day ago. Waylon was staying in Meredith and Dereks room until they got the nursery set up, the only problem is that they are out of rooms.

Master bedroom, baileys bedroom, Zola's bedroom, Carter's bedroom, Ellis bedroom, Jacob's bedroom.

They needed to move, a bugger space, Derek wanted a office, Meredith wanted a big backyard with a pool, the kids wanted a finished basement, and they needed at least 8-9 bedrooms.

"Alright little man, it is nap time..." she rocked Waylon back and forth, until he dozed off. She set him in his crib with a little baby blanket, walking out and shutting the door.

She walked downstairs and saw Derek on the couch with the laptop, looking at houses. Bailey was sitting next to him and carter was at the table, with a game.

"Mommy can Waylon play with me?" Carter asked and tried taking his game upstairs. "Oh honey Waylon is too little. But when he wakes up for his nap you can hold him with mommy" she offered and put him back at the table.

"Ok!" He smiled and continued playing with his toys.

Meredith walked over behind Derek and started playing with his hair as he was looking at houses. "Dad what about that one?" Bailey pointed to a house that looked fairly nice.

"That house is 1,000,000$ there is no way it will have very thing we need. Everything we want in a new house will probably cost about 3 million dollars, in dc" Derek sighed.

They continued looking for a few minutes before Meredith pointed one out. "What about that one?" She asked. Derek clicked it and looked.

"It's 5 million... 10 beds, 5 bathrooms, finished basement, pool and huge backyard, theatre room..." Derek continued looking at it.

"It's the best we've found so far..." Meredith looked at him and smiled. "I'll make a call" he pulled his phone out and went outside.

Meredith went to the fridge and go out some yogurt and apple juice for carter. "Thanks mommy" he smiled and started eating his lunch. Meredith walked outside and saw Derek hanging up the phone with a smile on his face.

"We're going to see it now, baileys gonna watch the kids we will take Waylon with us." Derek smiled and headed inside.

Meredith walked upstairs and grabbed Waylon, seeing his green eyes when he woke up. "Hi little man..." she blew on his belly and cradled him in her arms.

They got in the car and Meredith strapped the baby in his car seat. The new house was about 10-15 minutes away from their house right now. They arrived and it was huge. The realtor was waiting at the door to show them the house.


"And here in the master bedroom we have a California king sized bed, with a gorgeous fireplace, also this bedroom is soundproof. The bathroom is completed with a corner tub, large glass shower, a walk in closet for him and her. Double vanity, and the surprise is right this way..."

She led them to a small door in the wall in closet, leading to a jacuzzi room. Meredith looked over at Derek a smiled as they looks around the gorgeous private room. "Great mom and dad time, hidden from the kids too" she winked and lead them out.


They finished the tour and all of them where standing back in the front lawn. "And here is one of the last favorite features. The gorgeous view and this house is very secluded" she smiled. Meredith looked over at Derek with the baby under a blanket as he was eating.

"My husband and I will definitely think-" Derek cut her off with his hand out in front of the woman. "We'll take it" he smiled and shook her hand.


"I can't believe we're moving!" Meredith smiled as they drove home. Derek placed his hand on her thigh and smiled, looking in the rear view mirror and seeing Waylon asleep.

They got home and all the kids where waiting on the porch for an answer.

"Well? Did you guys take the house?!" Ellis asked and jumped up and down. Meredith and Derek both looked at each other and sighed, looking back at the kids.

"Pack your things!" They both yelled, waking up Waylon.

"M-maaaaaa!" He curled up his little legs and arms, sticking his tongue out and crying. "Ooh! Sorry baby boy..." Meredith rocked him back to sleep and kissed his little nose.

"Pack your things..." she whispered and smiled. The kids ran inside and Derek smiled at Meredith. They walked inside and out Waylon down for a nap.

Derek walked up and followed Meredith into the closet. "I can't believe we're moving" Derek smiled and lightly pushed her against the wall, kissing her.

"'Mm... I know. I can't believe we will have a secret room hidden from our children" she giggled and looked into his eyes. "I can believe it" he smirked and continued kissing her.

"Well we will definitely eat alone time now... but we can only go in that room when the kids are sleeping" she put her finger to kiss lips to stop him from kissing her again.

"Yea yea. Wake up, eat you out, go take care of the kids, shower, bedtime... fuck you until you can move, and sleep" he smiled. Her jaw dropped.

"I- you are not eating me out in the morning" she laughed and pushed him away. "Just think of it. Wake up in white satin sheets, I'll wake up and French kiss you while you play with my hair, then I'll move down your body then French kiss that beautiful pussy of yours" he smirked.

Meredith looked over at him and shock and rolled her eyes. "What has gotten into you?!" She hit his chest and started coming her clothes in a box.

"Nothing has gotten into me. But I have gotten into you" he winked and started packing his clothes.


Everyone was finished packing a few days later, all the furniture had been sent to the house in a truck and they where loading the clothes into another small truck.

Meredith woke up and saw Waylon's little bassinet beside her. She smiled and picked up the sleeping baby, slightly squirming in her arms until she placed him on her chest.

"Awe shhhh..." she patted his little bum as he stretched and yawned. "Ooh! I want it" Derek woke up and grabbed the baby off her chest, snuggling with him.

"Hey! He was so comfy!" She pouted and rolled over to see Derek on his side with the baby snuggled into him. "Hi baby boy" she kissed his nose. Derek nudged her with his elbow and smiled at her.

"And my other baby boy" she giggled and gave him a kiss. Derek rolled over onto his back and held the baby as he moved his little hands that where covered by his onesie all around his chest and yawned.

They be movinggggg

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