Chapter 24 - The Tide of Revealations

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The hopeful shine of the brightly lit blue sky shone everlasting onto the lively green of the grassy hills of the rural countryside. The smooth surface of the dirt road, having the imprints of human feet littered in a straight line towards a town thriving with life. Occupying this road laid a woman, 5'9 in height. Her brown hair blazing with confidence and her blue-tinted slayer uniform emitted the calm aura that she had learnt to harness into her personality. Her eyes blazing with the same confidence that her long straight brown hair held tenfold. Her haori incorporates, these almost opposite personality traits into one, the tidal pattern illustrating her calmness and the bright colours of flames displaying her now confident personality.

This woman, this slayer held her holstered sheathed blade in her right hand, with the flame patterned guard shown proudly as she looked on in determination at her destination, the only thoughts filling her mind was her unrelenting resolve to protect every person within this town. With these observations came a glance into the hopeful blue sky to her trusted companion, and close friend, soaring through the sky with hypnotic elegance, with this look only adding to her unending sea of resolve to protect the innocent.

She then began to walk into the town, with its vibrant life seemingly never-ending as people went about their day with a bright smile on their face and confidence in their stride. The calmly flowing water of the nearby river bringing the town of Hajime a beautifully peaceful atmosphere, with the smell of freshwater mixed in with the fragrances of the many people within the town made this place seem like a paradise.

Yui herself though saw this from a slightly different perspective. True, she had been encapsulated into this calm atmosphere and peacefulness of the area, but rather than primarily focusing on the endless positivity this town brought, she sought out the disturbances and the abnormalities of this wonderful place. These abnormalities evaded her gaze for the whole of the day, with the emergence of murderous lunar glare onto the town, the streets of Hajime became desolate and barren until she heard a scream of terror as well as smelling a demonic scent nearby. With this call to action, she had immediately disappeared from she had been stood, the only mark of her presence being the small crack in the ground from the feet had been stood on.

Quickly arriving on the scene of the scream she had immediately identified the victim, this being a young man with dark-brown hair and brown eyes with white pupils wearing a dull, blue kimono with a dark sash and light-brown haori. He had collapsed on the ground with the man shaking as the onslaught of tears erupted from his eyes, not even aware of the presence of a person behind him.

With the young man seemingly unharmed she focused her attention on the other human she had smelt as well as the demon she had identified. With her noticing that they had not gotten far, with the scent only reaching the end of the road she had suddenly changed, from behind the young man, as she stood atop of the scent as she unsheathed her blade as she surgically stabbed the katana into the ground.

As soon as Yui had done this, the ground began to turn a vile black as she reached her arm into the abyss and pulled out a young woman, around the same age as the young man who had screamed out in terror. With her objective achieved she had retreated to where the man had fallen and had placed the young woman next to him. All the while the man, now aware of Yui's presence since she had launched herself from behind him stared on a broken shock at what he had witnessed.

However much he couldn't understand or comprehend what was going on, he was only relieved that his beloved fiancée was next to him and that he knew that he hadn't just lost the gem of his life. Broken out of his shock by Yui, placing her hand in front of him, although reassuringly, made him hold onto Satoko as if it was the last time he could ever do that, as her unconscious form lay defenceless in his embrace.

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