Chapter 3

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The morning came quick, surprisingly, considering how anxious Elaine was. Classes started today, and she was so incredibly nervous to start her studies up again. But she had a plan.

Back to the studying routine.

The studying routine consisted of a decently large group of students in all years and houses that got together each period and before and after classes. One would simply go to the library in the back left corner and join the group who was there at the time for individual or help with studying. Anyone who wanted to join could, and just had to sign a piece of parchment and be willing to help others if needed.

The group was started by a couple of fifth years when Elaine was in third. It became very popular, and is credited as one of the most helpful ways to pass NEWTs and OWLs, along with just regular classes. The professors are aware of the 'club' and recommend it to first year students who need extra help. Atlas thinks they like it because it takes the pressure off of them to help out the needy students who are falling behind. Elaine wouldn't doubt it.

At 6am sharp Elaine woke up to her alarm clock on her bedside table going off. Opening her curtains, she yawned and stretched then made her way to the bathroom to shower and get dressed.

With wet hair, she put on a pair of yoga pants and a Gryffindor crew neck along with a pair of comfy slippers. She made her way down to the common room and out the door to the kitchens.

This was her secret. Elaine was an early riser who needed coffee to get through her day. Breakfast wasn't served until 7:30am, and she liked to have peace and a quite while she woke up. Since breakfast wasn't being served for another hour, she had to make her way to the kitchens to get a large cup of coffee. The house elves were eager to serve and help, and knew her routine by now. With a 18 ounce black cup of coffee made especially for her and a thank you, Elaine was on her way back to her common room to sit by the fire and read her book.

Her current read was a collection of Sherlock Holmes stories she stole from her father's library a few holidays ago, when she was actually invited home for holidays. She had been busy with a bunch of other books and her studies, and just hadn't gotten around to reading it yet. So far she was finding it rather interesting, and tried to guess the plot before it actually happened. She was successful in 1 out of the 3 stories she had read.

Turning to leave the kitchen, she suddenly bumped into a wall. Well, a wall that seemed to breathe and move and touch her arms in a strong grip.

Looking up, she saw the man she had been most anxious to see since she first laid eyes on him.

"Professor," Elaine started, "so sorry, I was only here to get my early morning cup of coffee. So sorry to startle you." He removed his hands that were keeping her balanced.

"Oh not a problem at all, Miss..." he trailed off expectantly.

"Levitt, Elaine Levitt."

"Miss Levitt. Now may I ask why you are in the kitchens at all?"

"Like I said Sir, I'm an early riser and need my coffee soon after I wake up. Since breakfast isn't started until later, I go to the kitchens in the morning to grab a cup of coffee then go back to my common room to read or study before the madness that is my house awakes."

He chuckled, looking down at her sweatshirt.

"Gryffindor then?"

"Yes Sir."

"Ah, I too was a Gryffindor, so completely understandable."

Elaine looked down at her cup in her hands, trying not to blush in front of the beautiful man.

"Well off you go, Miss Levitt," he smiled at her, waving a hand toward the door.

"Thank you Sir." She turned to leave, but stopped when her curiosity got the best of her.

"Professor Lupin," he turned to look at her, "might I ask what brings you here so early?"

"I too am a morning riser who needs his tea," he stated simply. "Now off you go, Elaine."

Her heart did a leap at the way he said her name.

"Bye Sir," and then she was off.

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